摘要 | 采用HPLC 法对来源于6 个产地(陕西周至和汉中;甘肃天水;安徽胡乐、聂家山和仙寓山)的12 份野生南方红豆杉[Taxus chinensis var. mairei (Lemée et Lévl.) Cheng et L. K. Fu]枝叶中的紫杉醇含量进行了比较分析,并对不同产地南方红豆杉指纹图谱的相似度进行了比较和特征指纹图谱的构建。结果表明:不同产地南方红豆杉枝叶中紫杉醇的含量有明显差异,来源于陕西和甘肃的枝叶样品中紫杉醇含量明显高于来源于安徽的样品,以产自陕西周至的枝叶样品中紫杉醇含量最高(0. 019 3 mg·g-1 )。各样品的指纹图谱均有12 个共有峰,其中9 号共有峰的保留时间(32. 75 min)与紫杉醇标准品一致,被确定为南方红豆杉指纹图谱的参照峰(s)。各共有峰相对保留时间的RSD 值均低于1%,但相对峰面积的RSD 值均高于40%,说明各样品共有峰的保留时间稳定,但相对含量差异较大。除来源于安徽聂家山的2 个样品外,其他样品的相似度值均在0. 8 以上,说明各样品间指纹图谱的相似度较高。根据12 个样品的指纹图谱建立了南方红豆杉枝叶的特征指纹图谱,可用于南方红豆杉的鉴定及质量控制。由测定结果推测:不同产地南方红豆杉枝叶中紫杉醇含量的差异可能与生长环境的差异有关。 |
Abstract | Taxol content in twelve wild samples of branch and leaf of Taxus chinensis var. mairei (Lemée et Lévl.) Cheng et L. K. Fu from six locations (including Zhouzhi and Hanzhong of Shaanxi; Tianshui of Gansu; Hule, Niejiashan and Xianyushan of Anhui) was comparatively analyzed by HPLC, and the similarity of fingerprints of twelve samples was compared and the characteristic fingerprint of T. chinensis var. mairei was constructed. The results show that taxol content has an obvious difference among samples from different locations, that from Shaanxi and Gansu provinces is obviously higher than that from Anhui Province and that from Zhouzhi of Shaanxi is the highest with a value of 0. 019 3 mg·g-1. There are twelve common peaks in fingerprints of different samples, in which, No. 9 common peak is determined as the reference peak (s) whose retention time (32. 75 min) is agreement with that of taxol standard. And the RSD values of relative retention time of every common peaks all are lower than 1%, while those of relative peak area all are higher than 40%, indicating that retention time of common peaks of different samples is stable but their relative content has a great difference. Except of two samples from Niejiashan of Anhui, the similarity value of the other samples all are above 0. 8, indicating that similarity of fingerprints among different samples is high. The characteristic fingerprint of T. chinensis var. mairei is obtained according to fingerprints of twelve samples,which should be used for identification and quality assessment of T. chinensis var. mairei. According to these results, it is conjectured that the difference of taxol content in T. chinensis var. mairei from different locations is probably related to the difference of growth environment. |
关键词 | 南方红豆杉; 指纹图谱; 紫杉醇; 高效液相色谱法; 相似度 |
Key words | Taxus chinensis var. mairei (Lemée et Lévl.) Cheng et L. K. Fu; fingerprint; taxol; HPLC; similarity |
作者 | 柏培磊1, 孙启武2,蒋继宏3, 闫浩1, 于少帅1, 张小平1 |
所在单位 | 1. 安徽师范大学重要生物资源保护与利用研究安徽省重点实验室生物环境与生态安全安徽省高校省级重点实验室, 安徽芜湖241000; 2. 中国林业科学研究院林业研究所国家林业局林木培育重点实验室, 北京100091; 3. 江苏省药用植物生物技术重点实验室, 江苏徐州221116 |
点击量 | 1691 |
下载次数 | 1182 |
基金项目 | 国家林业局珍稀濒危物种野外救护与繁育项目(2130211) |