2025年1月26日 星期日
The components of essential oil from Cymbopogon khasinnus (Hack. ) Stapf ex Bor
1992年 第1卷 第3期 页码[58-59]    下载全文[0.3MB]  

The essential oil from Cymbopogon khasinnus (Hack. ) Stapf ex Bor collected in Yunnan Province was analysed by GC-MS and 21 constituents were identified, two of which were first founded in Cymbopogon Spreng.

关键词滇西香茅; 挥发油成分;
Key wordsCymbopogon khasinnus (Hack. ) Stapf ex Bor; components of essential oil
作者张 荣,苏中武 ,李承枯
所在单位成都军区 昆 明总 医 院药剂科 , 昆 明 6 5 0 0 3 2
第二军 医大学药学院生 药学教研室 , 上海 2 0 04 3 3