2025年3月14日 星期五
Population genetic structure and conservation strategy of Liriodendron chinense (Hemsl.)Sarg.
1997年 第6卷 第4期 页码[7-14]    下载全文[1MB]  

鹅掌楸( Liriodendron chinense ( Hemsl .) Sarg.) 10 个居群中 10 种酶系统 16 个位点上的等位基因电泳结果表明:鹅掌楸种内遗传多样性水平较高, 种内遗传变异的 20.6 %分布在居群间,79.4%分布在居群内, 东部分布亚区的多样性水平和基因流低于西部, 居群间分化程度则高于西;其遗传多样性随纬度增加而递减, 形成南高北低格局针对鹅掌楸居群遗传结构的形成原因及现状提出了适宜的保护措施


The electrophoretic results of allozymes on 16 loci encoding 10 enzyme systems in 10
Liriodendron chinense ( Hemsl.) Sarg .populations indicated :L .chinense
is highly genetically diversified .20 .6 % of its genetic variation distributed among populations, while other 79 .4 % within populations .The diversity level and the estim ate of gene flow in the eastern sub-division are lower than the western, and the population differentiation mo re critical .The genetic diversity of L .chinense is declining along the latitude, which fo rms the southern-high and northern-low pattern of its genetic variation .

关键词鹅掌楸; 等位酶; 居群遗传结构; 保护措
Key wordsLiriodendron chinense ( Hemsl .) Sarg .; allozyme; population genetic
作者朱晓琴, 贺善安, 姚青菊, 马建霞, 於 虹
所在单位江苏省中国科学院植物研究所, 江苏省植物迁地保护重点实验室, 南京 210014