2025年3月14日 星期五
Analysis on phenotypic diversity of wild population of Paeonia anomala subsp. veitchii in Western Sichuan Province
2017年 第26卷 第3期 页码[11-18]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

为揭示四川西部川赤芍〔Paeonia anomala subsp. veitchii (Lynch) D. Y. Hong et K. Y. Pan〕表型性状的变异规律,对川赤芍6个野生居群的株高、茎基粗、叶片和花部性状等15个表型性状进行了比较;并在此基础上,对各表型性状进行了方差分析、变异系数(CV)分析、离散系数(R′)分析、Shannon-Weaver遗传多样性指数(H′)分析、主成分分析和聚类分析。结果表明:川赤芍15个表型性状在居群间均存在极显著差异;除顶小叶长宽比外,其他14个表型性状在居群内均存在极显著或显著差异。15个表型性状在居群内的F值均明显小于居群间。15个表型性状中,每枝着花量的CV平均值最大(33.68%),花瓣数的CV平均值最小(11.26%);6个居群中,阿坝州小金县两河乡(P1)和阿坝州小金县四姑娘山镇(P2)居群的CV平均值较大,阿坝州金川县万林乡(P4)和阿坝州马尔康县卓克基乡(P5)居群的CV平均值居中,阿坝州汶川县卧龙自然保护区(P3)和甘孜州炉霍县充古乡(P6)居群的CV平均值最小。15个表型性状中,株高的R′平均值最大(64.48%),萼片数和苞片数的R′平均值均最小(37.50%);6个居群中,P2居群的R′平均值最大(56.66%),P3居群的R′平均值最小(43.65%)。川赤芍6个居群15个表型性状的CV值和R′值的平均值分别为18.70%和49.80%。川赤芍15个表型性状和6个居群的H′平均值均较高,分别为1.647 5和1.451 0。主成分分析结果显示:叶片形态和花部特征是川赤芍表型变异的主要因子。聚类分析结果显示:在欧氏距离7.12处,川赤芍6个居群被分成2支,其中,P6居群单独聚为一支,其他5个居群聚为另一支,表明生境相似的居群更早地聚在一起。研究结果显示:四川西部川赤芍表型性状在居群间变异丰富,这与其叶片形态、花部特征及生境关系密切。


In order to reveal variation rule of phenotypic traits of Paeonia anomala subsp. veitchii (Lynch) D. Y. Hong et K. Y. Pan in Western Sichuan Province, fifteen phenotypic traits including height, basal stem diameter, leaf and flower characters of six wild populations of P. anomala subsp. veitchii were compared. On this basis, variance analysis, coefficient of variation (CV) analysis, dispersion coefficient(R′) analysis, Shannon-Weaver genetic diversity index (H′) analysis, principal component analysis and cluster analysis on all phenotypic traits were carried out. The results show that there are obviously significant differences in fifteen phenotypic traits of P. anomala subsp. veitchii among populations. Except ratio of length to width of top leaflet, there are obviously significant or significant differences in other fourteen phenotypic traits within population. F values of fifteen phenotypic traits within population are obviously smaller than those among populations. Among fifteen phenotypic traits, average value of CV of number of flowers per branch is the largest (33.68%), and that of number of petals is the smallest (11.26%). Among six populations, average values of CV of populations in Lianghe Town of Xiaojin County of Aba Prefecture (P1) and Siguniangshan Town of Xiaojin County of Aba Prefecture (P2) are larger, those of populations in Wanlin Town of Jinchuan County of Aba Prefecture (P4) and Zhuokeji Town of Barkam County of Aba Prefecture (P5) are in middle, and those of populations in Wolong Natural Reserve of Wenchuan County of Aba Prefecture (P3) and Chonggu Town of Luhuo County of Ganzi Prefecture (P6) are the smallest. Among fifteen phenotypic traits, average value of R′ of height is the largest (64.48%), and those of number of sepals and bracts are the smallest (37.50%). Among six populations, average value of  R′ of P2 population is the largest (56.66%), and that of P3 population is the smallest (43.65%). Average values of CV and R′ of fifteen phenotypic traits of six populations of P. anomala subsp. veitchii are 18.70% and 49.80%, respectively. Average values of H′ of fifteen phenotypic traits and six populations of P. anomala subsp. veitchii are higher, with values of 1.647 5 and 1.451 0, respectively. The result of principal component analysis shows that leaf morphology and flower characteristics are the main factors of phenotypic variation of P. anomala subsp. veitchii. The result of cluster analysis shows that six populations of P. anomala subsp. veitchii can be divided into two branches at Euclidean distance of 7.12, in which, P6 population is clustered into one branch individually, and other five populations are clustered into the other branch, indicating that populations with similar habitat are clustered together earlier. It is suggested that there is abundant variation of phenotypic traits among populations of P. anomala subsp. veitchii in Western Sichuan Province, which is close relevant to its leaf morphology, flower characteristics and habitat.

关键词川赤芍; 表型性状; 表型多样性; 主成分分析; 聚类分析
Key wordsPaeonia anomala subsp. veitchii (Lynch) D. Y. Hong et K. Y. Pan; phenotypic trait; phenotypic diversity; principal component analysis; cluster analysis
作者杨勇1a,1b,1c, 朱炜1a,1b,1c, 薛阁2, 于晓南1a,1b,1c
所在单位1. 北京林业大学: a. 园林学院, b. 国家花卉工程技术研究中心, c. 花卉种质创新与分子育种北京市重点实验室, 北京 100083;2. 四川农业大学风景园林学院, 四川 成都 611130