摘要 | 本文采用远端(羧基端)化学修饰新技术,将脂肪酸制成其2-烃基取代-4,4-二甲基噁唑啉衍生物,用气相色谱-质谱法结合尿素包合法对中国特有植物文冠果(Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bge.)种仁油中脂肪酸进行了深入研究,鉴定了12种脂肪酸组分。其中,廿碳二烯-11,14-酸和廿四碳烯-15-酸被首次确定了双键位置,为不常见的不饱和脂肪酸,其他10种与常规分析结果相符。本文还对制备衍生物的方法进行了探讨。 |
Abstract | The fatty acid constituents of the kernel oil from Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bge. have been analyzed with GC-MS combined with urea adducts formation. Before analysis, the fatty acids in their mixture were synthesized to their 2-alkyl-substituted 4,4-dimethyl-oxazoline derivatives with a new technique of remote functional group (carboxyl group) chemical modification. Twelve kinds of fatty acids were identified locating the position of the double bonds in the unsaturated fatty acids. The structure of eicosa- 11 , 14- dienoic acid and tetracos-15-enoic acid were determined for the first time. and are uncommon unsaturated acids. This method possesses the advantages of accuracy, directness and rapidity. Two derivatizing methods were used and the results indicated that they had provided exactly the same information for the GC-MS analysis of structure of the derivatives. |
关键词 | 气相色谱-质谱; 文冠果; 脂肪酸; 2-烃基-4; 4-二甲基噁唑啉; |
Key words | gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; Xanthoceras sorbiflia Bge.; fatty acids; 2-alkyl-4,4-dimethyl-oxazoline |
作者 | 李 军 ,李霞冰 ,姚家彪 |
所在单位 | 中国 科学 院 沈阳 应 用 生态 研 究 所 , 沈 阳 1 1 0 0 1 5 |
点击量 | 1231 |
下载次数 | 936 |