2024年10月22日 星期二
Analysis of karyotypes of three localities of Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis in Fujian Province
2004年 第13卷 第4期 页码[28-31]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

通过对福建漳州、平潭和南日岛3地水仙(Narcissus tazetta Linn. var. chinensis Roem.)核型的分析,探讨南日岛地区水仙的起源,了解南日岛、漳州、平潭3地水仙的亲缘关系。结果表明:3地水仙的染色体数目及倍性相同,均为同源三倍体(2n= 3x= 30);核型差异较小,都属于典型不对称的二型核型。3地水仙是同一起源的中国水仙,它们之间形态特征的差异是不同环境条件下的自发突变,经过长期的自然选择所形成的基因型和生态型的差异。


The chromosome counts and karyotypes of Narcissus tazetta Linn. var. chinensis Roem. From Nanridao, Zhangzhou and Pingtan in Fujian Province were studied. The results indicated that N. tazetta var. chinensis from the three localities have the same numbers of chromosomes and ploidy, and are all autotriploids (2n= 3x= 30). The karyotypes are typically anisomerous bimodal karyotypes with little difference. They are all originated from the N. tazetta var. chinensis, and their difference of morphological characteristics results from the automutation of N. tazetta var. chinensis under different environments, which may form. different genotypes and ecotypes within the same species through long-term natural selection.

关键词水仙; 染色体数目; 核型
Key wordsNarcissus tazetta Linn. var. chinensis Roem.; chromosome number; karyotype