摘要 | 在常规扦插条件下,兔眼蓝浆果(Vaccinium ashei Reade)的‘园蓝’(‘Gardenblue’)、‘梯芙蓝’(‘Tifblue’)、‘顶峰’(‘Climax’)和‘杰兔’(‘Premier’)等4个品种的硬枝插条均不能生根;而春季3月份开始在全光照间歇弥雾条件下扦插6个月后,上述各品种的硬枝插条的生根率分别达到84%、52%、62%和79%。在全光照间歇弥雾条件下,未木质化的绿枝插条也未能生根;木质化程度不同的绿枝插条均能生根,品种间生根率差异显著,‘园蓝’和‘杰兔’的生根率显著高于‘梯芙蓝’和‘顶峰’;各品种内木质化程度不同的绿枝插条之间的生根率差异显著,木质化程度越低,生根率越高。木质化程度不同的插条还在生根部位、生根数量、插条萌芽和插条基部腐烂等方面存在差异。 |
Abstract | Hardwood cuttings of four rabbiteye blueberry(Vaccinium ashei Reade) cultivars,‘Gardenblue’, ‘Tifblue’, ‘Climax’ and ‘Premier’, were failed of rooting under traditional propagation methods, whereas rooting percentages of 84%, 52%, 62% and 79% were obtained respectively under full lightand alternativemisting system. Rooting of softwood cuttings not lignified also failed. The percentage rooting of softwood cuttings with variety of lignification was significantly different, the percentage rooting of‘Gardenblue’ and‘ Premier’ cuttings was obviously higher than that of ‘Tifblue’ and‘ Climax’. It has been found that for all cultivars the fact is: the lower level of lignification, the higher percentage rooting and greater speed of rooting. Difference was also showed by the place of root initiation, the quantity of adventitious roots, the number of pre-rooting sprouted lateral buds and the percentages of rotted cuttings. |
关键词 | 兔眼蓝浆果; 扦插; 生根; 木质化程度 |
Key words | rabbiteye blueberry; Vaccinium ashei Reade; cutting; rooting; lignification |
作者 | 王传永1,2,章镇1,於虹2,顾姻2 |
所在单位 | 1.南京农业大学园艺学院,江苏南京210095; 2.江苏省中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园),江苏南京210014 |
点击量 | 1238 |
下载次数 | 974 |
基金项目 | 南京市“科技兴农”项目资助(200301051) |