2024年10月22日 星期二
The new compartment model of energy dynamics in Phyllostachys heterocycla (Carr. )Mitford cv. Pubescens ecosystem
2000年 第9卷 第4期 页码[9-13]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

根据福建省建瓯市 40块毛竹〔Phyllostac hysheterocycla (Carr.) Mitford cv .Pubescens〕林标准地的能量测定资料 ,提出毛竹林生态系统能量动态分室新模型 ,进而对毛竹林各分室的能量进行模拟。结果表明 :所建立的新的分室模型更能反映毛竹林生态系统能量动态规律 ,从而为毛竹林的丰产与稳产提供理论依据。 


Based on the energy data from 40 plots of Phyllostachys heterocycla ( Carr. )Mitford cv. Pubescens in Jian 'ou City, Fujian Province, a new compartment model of energy dynamics of P .heterocycla cv. Pubescens ecosystem was built, each compartment energy of above-ground part, litter, under-ground living root, under-ground dead root and total bamboo energy of stand was simulated by the new model. The results showed that the energy dynamic law of the ecosystem was reflected reasonably using the model. Theoretic basis for the high-stable yield of this species was provided.

关键词毛竹; 生态系统; 能量; 分室模型; 动态模拟;
Key wordsPhyllostachys heterocycla ( Carr. )Mitford cv. Pubescens; ecosystem; energy; compartment model; dynamic simulation
作者何东进 ,洪 伟 ,吴承祯
所在单位福建林学院资源与环境系, 南平 353001