2025年2月5日 星期三
Screening of conservation priority areas of biodiversity in Guangxi
2022年 第31卷 第2期 页码[1-9]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

以广西111个县级行政区为基本单元,对广西维管植物的科属组成进行分析,并基于物种丰富度、濒危物种丰富度、特有物种丰富度和系统发生多样性4个多样性指标对广西维管植物多样性分布格局进行分析。此外,还通过主成分分析将上述多样性指标整合为保护指数,根据保护指数筛选广西生物多样性保护优先区,并对筛选出的保护优先区与现有自然保护区的保护效率进行比较。结果表明:广西维管植物种类丰富,共269科1 865属8 609种,包含濒危植物173科619属1 814种、特有植物108科321属984种。广西维管植物的物种丰富度与系统发生多样性的分布格局基本一致,主要位于广西盆地的边缘和内部山脉,如桂北的九万大山、桂东北的南岭山区、桂西的石灰岩山区、桂西南的大青山和桂中偏东北的大瑶山;濒危物种丰富度和特有物种丰富度的分布格局大体相同,主要位于桂西的石灰岩山区以及桂西南的大青山和十万大山。根据广西各县级行政区的维管植物保护指数筛选出15个保护优先区,其中龙州县和那坡县的保护指数分别为6.64和6.18,明显高于其他县级行政区。筛选出的保护优先区集中分布于桂东北和桂西南,累计面积占广西总面积的18.10%,并且,这些保护优先区与现有自然保护区具有较高的空间对应关系,共包含30个现有自然保护区。但是,与筛选出的保护优先区相比,现有自然保护区存在保护等级低和保护面积小的问题,保护效率较低。综上所述,建议将桂东北和桂西南的邻近自然保护区合并,分别建立桂东北南岭国家公园和桂西南石灰岩国家公园。


 Taking 111 county administrative regions in Guangxi as the basic units, family and genus compositions of vascular plants in Guangxi were analyzed, and the diversity distribution patterns of vascular plants in Guangxi were analyzed based on four diversity indexes namely species richness, threatened species richness, endemic species richness, and phylogenetic diversity. In addition, four abovementioned diversity indexes were integrated into protection index by principal component analysis, biodiversity conservation priority areas in Guangxi were screened based on protection index, and the protection efficiencies of the screened conservation priority areas and existing nature reserves were compared. The results show that the species of vascular plants in Guangxi are abundant, and there are 8 609 species in 1 865 genera of 269 families in total, containing 1 814 species of threatened plants in 619 genera of 173 families and 984 species of endemic plants in 321 genera of 108 families. The distribution patterns of species richness and phylogenetic diversity of vascular plants in Guangxi are basically consistent, which are mainly located in the mountains of marginal and internal areas of Guangxi basin, such as Jiuwandashan Mountain in northern Guangxi, Nanling mountains in northeastern Guangxi, limestone mountains in western Guangxi, Daqingshan Mountain in southwestern Guangxi, and Dayaoshan Mountain in northeastern Central Guangxi; the distribution patterns of threatened species richness and endemic species richness are consistent in general, which are mainly located in limestone mountains in western Guangxi and Daqingshan Mountain and Shiwandashan Mountain in southwestern Guangxi. Fifteen conservation priority areas are screened based on the protection indexes of vascular plants in each county administrative region of Guangxi, in which, the protection indexes of Longzhou County and Napo County are 6.64 and 6.18, respectively, which are evidently higher than those of the other county administrative regions. The screened conservation priority areas are concentratedly distributed in northeastern and southwestern Guangxi, and the cumulative area accounts for 18.10% of the total area of Guangxi. In addition, these conservation priority areas have relatively high spatial corresponding relationships with existing nature reserves, which contain 30 existing nature reserves. However, compared with the screened conservation priority areas, existing nature reserves have the problems of low protection level and small protection area, and their protection efficiencies are relatively low. Taken together, it is recommended to merge nearby nature reserves in northeastern and southwestern Guangxi, and establish Nanling national park in northeastern Guangxi and limestone national park in southwestern Guangxi, respectively.

关键词广西; 维管植物; 保护优先区; 物种丰富度; 系统发生多样性; 保护指数
Key wordsGuangxi; vascular plants; conservation priority area; species richness; phylogenetic diversity; protection index
作者刘端1,2, 赵莉娜3,4, 鲁丽敏3, 单章建3,4, 陈之端3, 张强1,2, 路安民3
所在单位1. 广西师范大学生命科学学院, 广西 桂林 541006;2. 广西壮族自治区中国科学院广西植物研究所 广西喀斯特植物保育与恢复生态学重点实验室, 广西 桂林 541006; 3. 中国科学院植物研究所 系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室, 北京 100093; 4. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
基金项目中国科学院B类战略先导项目(XDB31000000); 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31560114; 31900191)