2025年3月7日 星期五
Stemflow of main forest types in Guangxi Subtropics
1994年 第3卷 第4期 页码[10-17]    下载全文[1MB]  



The stationary observation of the stemflow of main forest types in Guangxi Subtropics was conducted from 1980 to 1991. The results indicate: The annual stemflow is 6.2 ~ 66.7 mm , and is 0.5 -3.3 % of the precipitation. in which 1.7~3.3 % for the broad-leaf forest or the coniferours broad- leaved mixed forest is more than 0. 5 ~1. 4 % for the coniferous forest. The stemflow is influenced by the water absorbing property of barks, the diameter in breast high of trees, the branch angles, the crown structure, the precipitation and the intensity of precipitation. Annual average concentration of the nutrient elements of stemflow in Cunninghamin lanceolata forest is 8.707%~14.848 ppm. It is 3. 0~6. 0 times as much as this of the precipitation and is 1. 4 ~2. 0 times as much as this of throughfall, showing that the stemflow has important hydrological ecological function.

关键词亚热带森林; 树干茎流; 营养元素; 相关分析;
Key wordssubtropics forests; stemflow; nutrient elements; correlative analysis
所在单位广西农业大学林学院 , 南宁 5 3 0 0 0