摘要 | 为筛选出楸树(Catalpa bungei C. A. Mey.)等 4 个树种花粉离体培养的适宜条件,以花粉萌发率和花粉管长度为指标,研究了培养时间、培养温度、液体培养基 pH 值、蔗糖浓度和 PEG - 4000 浓度对 2 个楸树花粉样品( CB -1 和 CB - 2 ) 及滇楸 〔 C. fargesii Bur. f. duclouxii ( Dode) Gilmour〕、黄金树 〔 C. speciosa ( Warder ex Barney)Engelmann〕和梓树(C. ovata G. Don)花粉离体萌发的影响。 实验结果显示,不同培养时间对楸树的花粉萌发率和花粉管长度均有极显著影响,培养至 6 h 时花粉萌发率最高(91. 0% ),培养至 6 ~ 7 h 时花粉管长度达到最长,最适培养时间为 6 h。 培养温度、液体培养基 pH 值、蔗糖浓度和 PEG - 4000 浓度对 4 个树种花粉萌发率和花粉管长度均有明显影响。 在 19 ℃ ~ 36 ℃范围内,较低或较高的培养温度均对花粉萌发有一定的抑制作用,适宜各树种花粉离体萌发的培养温度为 24 ℃ ~ 28 ℃ ;供试的 4 个树种花粉适宜在弱酸性环境下萌发和生长,适宜的液体培养基pH 值为 5. 0 ~ 5. 6;在蔗糖浓度为 15 ~ 25 g· L - 1的液体培养基中,花粉萌发率及花粉管长度均达到最大值;液体培养基中添加不同浓度 PEG - 4000,在较短的培养时间(3 h)内明显抑制花粉萌发和花粉管生长,但培养时间延长至6 h,添加 5 ~ 25 g· L - 1 PEG - 4000 对花粉萌发有一定促进作用,适宜的 PEG - 4000 浓度为 20 g· L - 1 。 结果表明,不同树种甚至同一树种不同种源适宜的花粉离体培养条件有一定的差异,应根据种类或种源进行适当的调整。 |
Abstract | Effects of culture time, culture temperature and pH value, sugar and PEG-4000 concentrations in liquid medium on pollens in vitro culture of two Catalpa bungei C. A. Mey. samples (CB-1 and CB- 2), C. fargesii Bur. f. duclouxii (Dode) Gilmour, C. speciosa (Warder ex Barney) Engelmann and C. ovata G. Don were studied using pollen germination rate and pollen tube length as indexes in order to select the best in vitro culture conditions of pollen. The results show that culture time has a extremely significant effect on pollen germination rate and pollen tube length of C. bungei. After 6 h of culture, the pollen germination rate reaches its peak (91. 0% ) and the pollen tube length is the longest after 6 - 7 h of culture, indicating that the best culture time is 6 h. The culture temperature, pH value, sugar and PEG-4000 concentrations in liquid medium exert obvious influence on pollen germination rate and pollen tube length of the four species. Higher or lower temperature in the range of 19 ℃ - 36 ℃ has a certain inhibitory effects on pollen germination, and the best culture temperature for all species is 24 ℃ - 28 ℃ .The weak acidic environment is favorable for germination and growth of pollens of the four species, and the suitable pH value of liquid medium ranges from pH 5. 0 to pH 5. 6. The pollen germination rate and pollen tube length reach their peaks when the sugar concentration is 15 - 25 g · L - 1. Different concentrations of PEG-4000 added in the liquid medium restrain germination and growth of pollens in a short culture time (3 h), but when the culture time is extended to 6 h, addition of 5 - 25 g· L - 1 PEG-4000 promotes pollen germination, in which the proper concentration of PEG-4000 is 20 g· L - 1. It is suggested that in vitro culture conditions of pollens of different species or even different provenances are not the same, and appropriate adjustments should be done. |
关键词 | 楸树; 梓属树种; 离体培养条件; 花粉萌发率; 花粉管长度 |
Key words | Catalpa bungei C. A. Mey.; tree species of Catalpa Scop.; in vitro culture condition; pollen germination rate; pollen tube length |
作者 | 王改萍, 杨红宁, 倪果果, 彭方仁 |
所在单位 | 南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院, 江苏 南京 210037 |
点击量 | 1684 |
下载次数 | 1061 |
基金项目 | “十一五”国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD24B08); 江苏省高技术项目(BG2006319) |