2025年3月13日 星期四
Selection of vertical greening plants of the columns under the viaduct
1997年 第6卷 第2期 页码[63-64]    下载全文[0.3MB]  

The light condition is a very important restricted factor to the vertical greening under the viaduct of Shanghai inner circle .The light condition under the viaduct is fairly poor .In many sections, the light ratio is only about 4.6% and the light intensity is below 1 000 lx or even below 500 lx , which is under the light compensation point of shadeplant .In such condition , experimental plant such as Parthenocissus tricuspidatus, P . laetevirens, Trachelospermum jasmonoides cv . Variegatum and Euonymus fortunei , all grow very slowly .Comparatively , P .quinquefolia shows good adaptation to the light condition and grows rapidly , the annual growth amount is up to 36 meters, so it is an ideal plant for the vertical greening of the columns of the Inner Circle V iaduct.

关键词高架路; 光照; 垂直绿化; 五叶爬山虎
Key wordsviaduct; light condition; vertical greening; Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L .)Planch .
作者陆明珍 徐筱昌 奉树成 王百川
所在单位上海植物园, 上海 200231