2025年3月14日 星期五
荷兰鸢尾(Iris xiphium L. var. hybridum)的组织培养
The tissue culture of Iris xiphium L. var.hybridum
1999年 第8卷 第3期 页码[48-52]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

取荷兰鸢尾( Iris xiphium L.var.hybridum) 鳞茎片不同部位外植体块, 接种于附加不同激素配比的基本培养基上, 其中取自鳞茎片基部外植体块 2mm ×2mm ×2mm, 培养基为 M S +BA1 .0 mg/ L+NAA 0.2 mg/ L 的不定芽诱导率为最高( 70 %) ;最理想的增殖培养基为 M S +BA 2 .0mg/ L +NAA 0 .2 mg/ L不定芽直径 4 5 mm, 培养基为 M S +BA 0.2 mg/ L +NAA 0 .5 mg/ L 利于不定根的发生, 诱导生根率达 83.3%。 试管苗不经练苗可直接出瓶, 移栽于泥炭田土河沙=111( V/V ) 的基质中


The bulb segments of Iris xiphium L .var. hybridum were cultured on MS medium supplemented with variable ratio of ho rmones .The results show ed that the adventitious buds were easily proliferated from the segments taken from the lower part of the bulb, the highest induction frequency ( 70 %) w as obtained on MS medium supplemented with BA 1 .0 mg/ L +NAA 0 .2 mg/L, and M S +BA 2 .0 mg/L +NAA 0 .2 mg/L is most ideal proliferated medium ;w hile M S medium supplemented w ith BA 0 .2 mg/ L +NAA0 .5 mg/ L is most effective ( 83 .3 %) for rooting .Rooting plantlets were easily to be planted on a mixed medium of 1/3 peat + 1/3 soil + 1/3 sand ( V/V) w ithout any training .

关键词荷兰鸢尾; 组织培养; 鳞片;
Key wordsIris xiphium L. var.hybridum; tissue culture; scale
作者黄苏珍 ,谢明云 ,佟海英 ,韩玉林, 顾 姻,居 丽
所在单位江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所, 南京 210014
南京市玄武湖公园, 南京 210009