摘要 | 为明确不同阶段枫香树(Liquidambar formosana Hance)幼苗生长性状的差异,探索其生长性状的地理变异规律,采用方差分析、相关性分析和逐步回归分析对30个枫香树种源1年生幼苗的株高、地径和叶片形状因子进行研究。结果表明:枫香树幼苗的株高和地径在2015年4月至12月增长较快,在2015年12月至2016年3月增长缓慢。2016年3月,枫香树的株高和地径在种源间存在明显差异,且株高在种源间的差异大于地径。30个种源中,云南富宁、海南霸王岭和海南黎母山种源枫香树的株高较高;陕西宁强和陕西镇巴种源枫香树的株高居中,但这2个种源的耐寒性好,适于在北方地区种植。安徽霍山种源枫香树的地径最大。枫香树幼苗株高呈“西南—东北”递减的变化趋势,地径呈“南—北”递增的变化趋势,叶片形状因子呈“南—北”递减的变化趋势。30个枫香树种源幼苗株高、地径和叶片形状因子变异系数的均值分别为23.01%、19.35%和17.51%,种源内枫香树幼苗生长性状变异系数的均值为11.86%~25.43%。相关性分析结果显示:枫香树幼苗株高、地径和叶片形状因子与纬度、年均温、1月均温和无霜期呈极显著相关;株高还与经度和海拔呈极显著相关。逐步回归分析结果显示:影响枫香树幼苗株高、地径和叶片形状因子的主要地理-气候因子是1月均温、无霜期和海拔。研究结果显示:枫香树幼苗生长性状可以作为其种源地理区划和种质选择的依据。 |
Abstract | In order to clarify the differences in growth traits of Liquidambar formosana Hance seedlings at different stages and explore its geographical variation law of growth traits, plant height, ground diameter, and leaf shape factor of oneyearold seedlings of 30 provenances of L. formosana were studied by using variance analysis, correlation analysis, and stepwise regression analysis. The results show that plant height and ground diameter of L. formosana seedlings increase relatively fast from April to December in 2015, and increase slowly from December in 2015 to March in 2016. In March in 2016, there are obvious differences in plant height and ground diameter of L. formosana among provenances, and the difference in plant height is higher than that in ground diameter among provenances. Among 30 provenances, plant height of L. formosana from Funing of Yunnan, Mt. Bawangling of Hainan, and Mt. Limushan of Hainan is relatively high; that from Ningqiang and Zhenba of Shaanxi is in the middle, but these two provenances have good cold tolerance, and are suitable for planting in northern area. Ground diameter of L. formosana from Huoshan of Anhui provenance is the largest. Plant height of L. formosana seedlings shows a variation tendency of decrease from southwest to northeast, ground diameter shows a variation tendency of increase from south to north, and leaf shape factor shows a variation tendency of decrease from south to north. Means of coefficients of variation of plant height, ground diameter, and leaf shape factor of L. formosana seedlings from 30 provenances are 23.01%, 19.35%, and 17.51%, respectively, while means of coefficients of variation of growth traits of L. formosana seedlings within provenance are 11.86%-25.43%. The correlation analysis result shows that plant height, ground diameter, and leaf shape factor of L. formosana seedlings show extremely significant correlations with latitude, annual mean temperature, mean temperature in January, and frostless period; plant height also shows extremely significant correlations with longitude and altitude. The stepwise regression analysis result shows that the main geographicalclimatic factors affecting plant height, ground diameter and leaf shape factor of L. formosana seedlings are mean temperature in January, frostless period, and altitude. It is suggested that growth traits of L. formosana seedlings can be used for geographical division of provenance and germplasm selection of L. formosana. |
关键词 | 枫香树; 种源; 幼苗; 生长性状; 生长节律; 地理变异 |
Key words | Liquidambar formosana Hance; provenance; seedling; growth traits; growth rhythm; geographical variation |
作者 | 何庆海1, 方茹1, 李文鑫2, 谢宇凯1, 张燕琴1, 石从广1, 杨少宗1 |
所在单位 | 1. 浙江省林业科学研究院, 浙江 杭州 310023; 2. 中南林业科技大学, 湖南 长沙 410004 |
点击量 | 2004 |
下载次数 | 1179 |
基金项目 | 浙江省农业(林木)新品种选育重大专项(2016C0205); 国家林业公益性行业科研专项(201404312) |