2025年3月12日 星期三
Effects of different additions on cell growth and taxol biosynthesis in cell suspension culture of Taxus chinensis ( Pilger) Rehd.
2000年 第9卷 第3期 页码[11-14]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

采用正交实验检测红豆杉〔Taxus chinensis (Pilger) Rehd .〕细胞悬浮培养中水杨酸、D 果糖、甘露醇和硫酸镧对细胞生长和紫杉醇 (taxol)积累的影响。添加 10g/LD 果糖 ,可使细胞的鲜重和干重明显增加 ;添加 6 0 g/L甘露醇使细胞的鲜重和干重明显减少 ;1mg/L水杨酸仅使细胞鲜重增加 ,对干重影响不明显 ;硫酸镧对细胞生长无明显影响。单独添加这 4种物质 ,紫杉醇含量均下降 ,同时添加 10 g/LD 果糖和 2mg/L硫酸镧 ,紫杉醇含量明显增加 ,比对照提高 12 7% ,这可能是它们协同促进作用的结果。


The effects of salicylic acid, D-fructose, mannitol and lanthanum sulfate on cell growth and taxol biosynthesis in cell suspension culture of Taxus chinensis ( Pilger) Rehd. were studied by using orthogonal design experiment. The increase or decrease of fresh and dry weight of cell occured when 10 g/L D-fructose or 60 g/L mannitol was added respectively ; only fresh weight could be increased by adding 1 mg/L salicylic acid while no obvious effect was on cell growth by lanthanum sulfate.Taxol amount decreased when each chemical was added to culture separately but it could be improved 127% in contrast to control if D-fructose and lanthanum sulfate were added simultaneously .

关键词紫杉醇; 红豆杉; 悬浮培养; 正交设计;
Key wordstaxol; Taxus chinensis ( Pilger) Rehd.; cell suspension culture; orthogonal design
作者李干雄 黄巧明
所在单位广东梅县梅雁生物工程研究所, 梅县 514787