摘要 | 据调查海南铜铁岭有野生种子植物165科681属1279种,其中裸子植物3科3属5种;双子叶植物135科526属1025种;单子叶植物27科152属249种。在这些植物中,有国家重点保护野生植物8种、珍稀濒危植物61种。统计结果表明:有材用植物约401种、药用植物623种、油脂植物86种、芳香植物58种、蜜源植物102种、纤维植物56种、野生果树66种、观赏植物196种、饲料植物51种、绿肥植物22种、杀虫植物24种、单宁植物27种、淀粉植物16种。对其资源特点进行了分析,并对其开发利用和保护提出了建议。 |
Abstract |
The spermatophyte flora of Tongtieling in Hainan Province consists of 1 279 species, 681 genera and 165 families. Of them, 5 gymnosperm species belong to 3 genera, 3 families and 1 025 dicotyledon species belong to 526 genera, 135 families and 249 monocotyledon species belong to 152 genera, 27 families. Among these plants found, 8 species are the national key protected plants, 61 species are the rare and endangered plants. The statistic result shows that there are about 401 timber plants, 623 medicinal plants, 86 oil-bearing plants, 58 aromatic plants, 102 nectariferous plants, 56 fiberrous plants, 66 fruit trees, 196 ornamental plants, 51 forage plants, 22 green manure plants, 24 pesticide plants, 27 tannic plants and 16 starch plants. The characteristics of the plant resources are analyzed and suggestions about sustainable utilization and conservation of the resources are put forward. |
关键词 | 海南铜铁岭; 热带低地雨林; 种子植物资源; |
Key words | Tongtieling in Hainan Province; tropical lowland rainforest; spermatophyte resources |
点击量 | 1197 |
下载次数 | 1107 |