2025年3月14日 星期五
中国结缕草属植物(Zoysia spp.)地下部分分布和形态类型的多样性
Morphology and distribution diversity of rhizome and adventitious root of Zoysia spp. in China
2002年 第11卷 第2期 页码[39-44]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

通过对分布于我国的结缕草属( Zoysia Willd.) 54 份种质地下部分特点的研究, 发现其地下茎分布都在 15 cm土层内, 其中大部分在 5 cm 深度的土层范围内( 97.23%) , 很少达到 15 cm( 0.29%) ;不定根一般可分布到 40 cm , 但表层 15 cm 内分布了不定根总量的 81.62 %, 其下的 25cm 土层中分布的不定根只占不定根总量的 18.38% 。地下茎在 1015 cm 不定根在 3040 cm 土层中各性状的变异都比较显著 相关分析表明, 随着纬度的升高, 地下茎在较深的土层( 515 cm) 中分布密度有增加的趋势, 而伴随着纬度升高不定根分布密度趋小根据地下茎和不定根分布的特点, 可将我国结缕草属植物地下部分划分为 3 大类型, 即浅茎密根型中茎密根型和深茎浅根型


Based on traits of rhizome and adventitious root of 54 accessions of Zoysia Willd .in China, this paper revealed that the rhizomes distributed within 15 cm depth soil, 97.23 % of which distributed in 5 cm depth soil and only 0.29 % located below 15 cm depth .Adventitious root distributed within 40 cm depth, but 81.62 % of which distributed in 15 cm depth, and only 18.38% distributed in left soil layers, variability of 10 -15 cm depth rhizome and 30 -40 cm depth adventitious root were obvious .Correlation analysis showed that density of rhizome tended to rise in 5 -15 cm depth and density of adventitious root tended to lower with the latitude increasing .Based on cluster analysis of rhizome and adventitious root characteristics, these accessions could be divided into 3 groups: shallow rhizome dense root ;moderate depth rhizome dense root ;deep rhizome shallow root .

关键词结缕草属; 地下茎; 不定根; 多样性;
Key wordsZoysia Willd.; rhizome; adventitious root; diversity
作者李 亚1, 2 , 凌萍萍2, 刘建秀2, 向其柏1
所在单位1.南京林业大学, 江苏 南京, 210037;
2.江苏省中国科学院植物研究所, 江苏 南京210014