2024年7月17日 星期三
On karyotypes and geographical distribution of endemic genera in Umbelliferae from China
1995年 第4卷 第3期 页码[1-8]    下载全文[1.1MB]  



Nearly 21 endemic and semi-endemic genera of Umbelliferae occur in China, in which 15 genera are distributed in Sino-Himalayan forest subkingdom and 6 genera in Sino-Japan forest subkingdom. The present paper first report the karyotypes of 10 endemic genera (including I semi- endemicgenus) with chromosome numbers n = 6, 8, 10, 11. The karyotype formulae are as follows : Tomgoloa silaifolia (de Boiss. ) Wolff 2n = 16 =  10m+ 4sm +2smsat(Qinbashan, Shaanxi);Notopteryyium incisumTing ex H. T. Chang 2n = 22 =18m +2sm +2smsat(Songpan, Sichuan ) ; CyIurhiza waltonii  (Wolff) Sheh et Shan 2n = 22 =12m +10sm (Lijiang , Yunnan) ; Vicatia bipinnata Shan et Pu  2n = 22 = 16m + 4sm+2stsat (Barkam, Sichuan) ; Changium smyrnioides Wolff 2n = 20 = 10m +6sm +4st (Xianning ,Hubei) and 2n = 20 = 10m+ 4sm + 4st + 2stsat(N anjing , Jiangsu) ; Chamaesium thalictrifolius Wolff 2n = 12 = 4sm + 6sm+ 2stsat(Songpan, Sichuan) ; Carlesia sinensis Dunn 2n = 22 = I 4m + 8sm (Qingdao , Shangdong ) , 2n = 22 =  14rn + 6sm + 2stsat(Yantai , Shangdong ) and 2n = 22 = 16m+ 6sm (Dandong , Liaoning) ; Nothosmyrnium japonicum Miq. var.sutclwensis de Boiss. 2n=20=4sm +16st (Wulong, Sichuan); Chuanminshen violaceum Sheh et Shan 2n= 22 = 10m + 10sm + 2st (Dangyang , Hubei ) and 2n = 22 = 12m + 6sm + 2smsat+ 2st (Jintang , Sichuan ) ; Arcuatopterus linearifolius Sheh et Shan 2n = 22 = 4m +4sm +2smsat+12st (Binchuan, Yunnan). The karyotypes of 7 genera belong to "2A" except those of Arcuatopterus“3A”, Chamaesium and Nothosmyrmiurn “4A” By analysing the karyotypic evolution and combined with pollen morphology of 8 endemic genera (M. L. Sheh 1987), it is clear that Tonooloa, Cyclorhiza , Changium and Chuanminshen might be paleoendemic , and the others are intermediate genera in different evolution levels. Based on the comparison of karyotypes among the main floristic areas of 10 endemic genera, it is found that many endemic genera with the most primitive and the most advanced are concentrated in Hengduan-Shan region of Sino-Himalayan forest subkingdom, therefore a conclusion might be obtained that the center of origin and diversity of endemic genera of Umbelliferae is in Hengduan-Shan region.

关键词伞形科; 特有属; 核型; 地理分布;
Key wordsUmbelliferae; endemic genus; karyotype; geographical distribution