2025年1月22日 星期三
Determination of isoflavones in 16 species of rhizomatous medicinal plants from Iridaceae
1996年 第5卷 第4期 页码[55-56]    下载全文[0.3MB]  

Four kinds of isoflavones, i. e. tectoridin, tectorigenin, iridin and irigenin used as contrastive standards to carry on the qualitative analysis and content determination of isoflav ones of 16 species of rhizomatous medicinal plants from Iridaceae were present. The content of irigenin in Belamcanda chinensis was the highest , which reached 1. 36% ; tectorigenin the highest in Iris tectorum , 1.50% ; in Iris dichotoma , irigenin the highest, 0. 46% ; contents of irid in and irigenin in Iris blodowii were 0. 58% and 1. 14% respectiv ely; irigenin in I . leptophylla was 0. 81% . Besides, I. confusa had consider able contents of 4 kinds o f isoflavones.

关键词鸢尾科; 药用植物; 异黄酮; 含量测定
Key wordsIridaceae; medicinal plant, isoflavone; determination
作者秦民坚, 王 强 ,巫弘罡 ,徐国钧,田中俊弘
所在单位中国药科大学 ,南京 210038
岐阜药科大学 ,日本国岐阜市 502