2025年3月13日 星期四
The chemical constituents of volatile oil from Ferula L .in China and its taxonomical significance
1997年 第6卷 第2期 页码[26-31]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

利用 G C-M S-计算机联用方法从我国阿魏属(Ferula L.)15 1 变种根部挥发油中分离鉴定出 214 种成分, 其中广布成分有 22 挥发油成分中 80 %是萜类, 其次是多硫化合物萜类中主要有单萜和倍半萜两大类, 均以环化结构成分为主通过全成分和萜类成分的多种聚类分析,对样品进行归类, 结合形态特征核型黄酮成分等已有资料以及地理分布, 讨论了挥发油成分在阿魏属分类中的意义, 同时对所分析种类进行了类群划分和调整


Two hundred and fourteen chemical constituents of volatile oil from the roots of 15 species and 1 variety of Ferula L .in China were identified by GC-M S-Com puter method .Among them 22 constituents are w idespread , such as guaiol , myristicin and endo borneol .The main type of the constituents is terpenes which is composed of the monoterpenes and the sesquiterpenes .Cyclic structure is the major type in all terpenes . According to the hierarchical cluster analy sis of the determinated constituents , as well as informatio n of morphological character , kary otype and flavonoide , the studied species could be divided into several g roups and the taxonomic position of some species should be adjusted .

关键词阿魏属; 挥发油; 萜类; 化学分类
Key wordsFerula L .; volatile oil; terpene; chemo taxonomy
作者刘启新 惠 红
所在单位江苏省中国科学院植物研究所, 南京 210014