2025年3月14日 星期五
Carbon physiological integration pattern of whole plant of Zoysia japonica and its ecological effects under different light conditions
2013年 第22卷 第4期 页码[1-10]    下载全文[1MB]  

在4种光照处理条件下(处理Ⅰ:对所有分株光照处理;处理Ⅱ:对所有分株遮光处理;处理Ⅲ:仅对引入13 CO2的复合节分株进行遮光处理;处理Ⅳ:仅对引入13 CO2 的复合节分株进行光照处理),分别从结缕草(Zoysia japonica Steud.)克隆植株的基部、中部和梢部(分别为第7、第17 和第24 复合节)分株引入13 CO2 ,对13 C 在克隆植株不同器官内的分配格局及传输特征进行了研究。实验结果表明:从克隆植株的不同部位引入13 CO2 ,13 C 的传输格局均表现出以引入点为起始点沿匍匐茎向基和向顶双向运输的趋势,但向顶传输的陡度值均小于向基传输的陡度值,向顶传输的距离则均大于向基传输的距离,说明13 C 的向顶传输更具优势。分株叶片、匍匐茎和复合节根中13 C的传输格局有一定差异;引入点分株叶中δ13 C 值较高,其他分株叶中δ13 C 值均迅速降低;匍匐茎内δ13 C 值总体较低,但13 C 传输范围广;当13 CO2引入点位于基部和中部时复合节根的δ13 C 值高于匍匐茎,但当13 CO2引入点位于梢部时复合节根的δ13 C 值低于匍匐茎。从13 C 的传输范围及陡度值看,总体上分株叶中13 C 的陡度值显著大于复合节根和匍匐茎;在匍匐茎中13 C 呈现出平缓的传输格局但传输距离最远。此外,在4 种光照处理条件下,处理Ⅳ的根及匍匐茎中13 C 向基或向顶传输的陡度值总体上均最高,且各器官13 C 的传输距离均最远;但从基部、中部和梢部分株引入13 CO2后,分别在处理Ⅱ、处理Ⅲ和处理Ⅰ的分株叶中13 C 向基或向顶传输的陡度值均最高。根据实验结果,对不同光照条件下结缕草克隆植株不同器官内光合产物的分配格局及其生态效应进行了探讨。


Under four light treatment conditions (treatment Ⅰ: full light treatment to all multiple-node ramets; treatment Ⅱ: shading treatment to all multiple-node ramets; treatment Ⅲ: shading treatment only to multiple-node ramets fed with 13CO2; treatment Ⅳ: full light treatment only to multiple-node ramets fed with 13CO2), 13CO2was fed from the basal, middle and distal ramets (i. e. the seventh, the seventeenth and the twenty-fourth multiple-node ramets) of clonal plant of Zoysia japonica Steud., and 13C distribution pattern and translocation characteristics in different organs of clonal plant of Z. japonica were studied. The results show that after 13CO2 fed from different part ramets, 13C translocation pattern all appears the trend of bidirectional transport toward basal and toward distal along the stolons taking fed ramets as the starting point, but the translocation gradient value toward distal all is lower than that of toward basal and the translocation distance toward distal is all bigger than that of toward basal, meaning the distal translocation of 13C has more advantage. There is a certain difference in translocation pattern of 13C in ramet leaf, stolon and multiple-node root. The δ13C value in ramet leaf fed with 13CO2 is higher but that in other ramet leaves decreases sharply. The  δ13 C value in stolon is generally lower but the 13C translocation range is extensive. The δ13C value in multiple-node root is higher than that in stolon when 13CO2 is fed from the basal and middle ramet leaves, while that is lower than that in stolon when 13CO2 is fed from the distal ramet leaves. From the translocation range and gradient value, generally, the 13C gradient value in ramet leaf is significantly higher than that in multiple-node root and stolon. And in stolon, 13C translocation appears a gentle pattern but its translocation distance is the farthest. Moreover, under four light treatment conditions, the gradient value of 13C translocation toward basal or distal directions in multiple-node root and stolon is the highest and the 13C translocation distance in all organs is the farthest in treatment Ⅳ. But the gradient value of 13C translocation toward basal or distal directions in ramet leaf is the highest respectively in treatment Ⅱ, Ⅲand Ⅰwhen 13CO2 is fed from the basal, middle and distal ramets. According to these experimental results, the distribution pattern of photosynthetic products and its ecological effect in different organs of clonal plant of Z. japonica under different light conditions are discussed.

关键词结缕草; 光照条件; 生理整合格局; 13 C 同位素示踪; 克隆植物; 生态效应
Key wordsZoysia japonica Steud.; light condition; physiological integration pattern; 13C tracer; clonal plant; ecological effect
作者何莹莹a, 李德志a,b,c,徐洁a, 王浩a, 程立丽a, 刘微a
所在单位华东师范大学: a. 资源与环境学院环境科学系, b. 上海市城市化生态过程与生态恢复重点实验室,
c. 浙江天童森林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站, 上海200241
基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目(31170387); 上海市闵行区科学技术委员会项目; 华东师范大学211 工程项目