2024年12月27日 星期五
Correlation of fluorine removement in environment with fluorine richness in Camellia sinensis leaves
1997年 第6卷 第2期 页码[43-47]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

选择 3 种类型茶场进行大气氟污染与茶叶氟富集的现场监测与研究, 对苏南茶区 11 个茶场的土壤总氟水溶性氟和茶叶氟富集量进行了测定结果表明:茶叶氟富集量与来自砖瓦窑厂的大气氟污染浓度呈现高度的正相关, 与土壤含氟量不呈现相关;茶树是高富集氟的植物, 富集能力远高于一般植物, 氟富集量可达每千克数十至数百毫克茶叶的氟富集与氟污染应引起重视


Three types of tea plantations were selected for spot-monitoring and research on aerial fluorine pollution and fluorine richness in leaves of Camellia sinensis .Total and dissoluble fluorine in soil and the content of fluorine richness in leaves of Camellia sinensis from 11 tea plantations in south part of Jiangsu Province were analysed .Results showed that the content of fluorine richness in leaves of Camellia sinensis was highly positively correlated with atmospheric fluorine concent ration produced by brickfields and not with fluorine content in soil.Camellia sinensis was proved to be a plant of high fluorine richness , with the fluorine content being up to dozens or hundreds mg per kg .

关键词茶树; 氟富集; 氟污染
Key wordsCamellia sinensis O .Ktze .; fluorine richness; fluorine pollution
作者高绪评 ,王 萍 ,王之让, 潘孝永
所在单位江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所, 南京 210014
南京市农林局, 南京 210008