2025年3月14日 星期五
绣球属植物种质资源分析及其花色 可调性和叶斑病抗性比较
Analysis on germplasm resources of species in Hydrangea Linn. and comparisons on their flower color variability and resistance to leaf-spot disease
2018年 第27卷 第4期 页码[90-100]    下载全文[9MB]  

对收集的绣球属(Hydrangea Linn.)植物68个品种(品系)的株型、叶色、花序类型、花期和花色进行了观察,并对其花色可调性和叶斑病抗性进行了比较。结果表明:在收集的68个品种(品系)中,53个品种(品系)属于大花绣球〔H. macrophylla ssp. macrophylla (Thunb.) Ser.〕,3个品种(品系)属于山绣球(H. macrophylla var. normalis Wils.),6个品种属于圆锥绣球(H. paniculata Sieb.),而粗齿绣球(H. macrophylla ssp. serrata Ser.)、栎叶绣球(H. quercifolia Bartr.)、马桑绣球(H. aspera D. Don)、乔木绣球(H. arborescens Linn.)、藤绣球(H. petiolaris D. Don)和银边绣球(H. macrophylla var. thunbergii Makino)分别只有1个品种(品系);其中,47个品种来自欧美国家,17个品种来自日本,4个品系来自中国。67个品种(品系)在南京地区能够正常开花,花序类型包括近球型、平盘型和圆锥型,分别有37、22和8个品种(品系)。41个品种(品系)花色可调,在酸性且含Al3+的土壤中呈蓝色或紫色;26个品种(品系)花色不可调。根据病情指数,将绣球属植物对叶斑病的抗性分成抗病、中等抗病、中等感病和感病4个等级,分别有11、26、21和10个品种(品系)。研究结果显示:绣球属植物花色多样且可人工调控,部分品种(品系)的抗叶斑病能力较强,应根据实际需要种植适宜品种(品系)。



Plant type, leaf color, inflorescence type, blooming period, and flower color of 68 collected cultivars (lines) of species in Hydrangea Linn. were observed, and their flower color variability and resistance to leaf-spot disease were compared. The results show that among 68 collected cultivars (lines), 53 cultivars (lines) belong to H. macrophylla ssp. macrophylla (Thunb.) Ser., 3 cultivars (lines) belong to H. macrophylla var. normalis Wils., 6 cultivars (lines) belong to H. paniculata Sieb., while H. macrophylla ssp. serrata Ser., H. quercifolia Bartr., H. aspera D. Don, H. arborescens Linn., H. petiolaris D. Don, and H. macrophylla var. thunbergii Makino only have 1 cultivar (line). In which, 47 cultivars originate from European and American countries, 17 cultivars do from Japan, and 4 lines do from China. 67 cultivars (lines) can bloom normally in Nanjing area, and inflorescence type includes mophead, lacecap, and pyramid, with 37, 22, and 8 cultivars (lines), respectively. Flower color of 41 cultivars (lines) can be adjusted, which is blue or purple in acidic soil containing Al3+; flower color of 26 cultivars (lines) cannot be adjusted. According to disease index, the resistance of species in Hydrangea to leaf-spot disease can be divided into four levels, including resistant, moderately resistant, moderately susceptible, and susceptible, with 11, 26, 21, and 10 cultivars (lines), respectively. It is suggested that flower color of species in Hydrangea is diverse and can be artificially adjusted, and resistances of some cultivars (lines)  to leaf-spot disease are strong. Proper cultivars (lines) should be planted according to actual needs.


关键词绣球属; 种质资源; 叶斑病抗性; 花色调控性
Key wordsHydrangea Linn.; germplasm resource; resistance to leaf-spot disease; flower color variability
作者邓衍明1, 韩勇2, 齐香玉1, 孙晓波1, 贾新平1, 陈双双1
所在单位1. 江苏省农业科学院休闲农业研究所, 江苏 南京 210014; 2. 南京市蔬菜科学研究所, 江苏 南京 210042
基金项目江苏省农业科技自主创新资金项目〔CX(17)3039〕; 江苏省农业科学院探索性颠覆性创新计划项目〔ZX(17)2004〕; 江苏省农业科学院院基金项目(611164)