2025年2月5日 星期三
Content analysis of flavonoids in Dendranthema indicum flower from different locations by HPLC
2009年 第18卷 第3期 页码[91-93]    下载全文[0.4MB]  

The content of linatin , luteolin, quercetin and apigenin in Dendranthema indicum(L.) Des Moul.flower from eleven locations was analyzed by HPLC.The results show that linatin and luteolin contents in samples are higher with a range of 0.0-13.3 and 0.5-2.1 mg·g-1,respectively,and suitable for quantitative determination, while apigenin and quercetin contents are trace and suitable for qualitative determination. The content of flavonoids is obviously affected by locations.No linatin is detected in samples from Jiangxi and Nanyang of He’nan. The content of linatin and luteolin is higher in samples from Chuzhou of Anhui, Nanjing of Jiangsu and Inner Mongolia. D. indicum flower from Chuzhou of Anhui is superior for having all four flavonoids and higher content of linatin and luteolin. 

关键词野菊花; 产地; 黄酮类; HPLC;
Key wordsDendranthema indicum (L.)Des Moul. flower; location; flavonoids; HPLC
作者贺丹霞,张 伟,秦民坚