2024年10月23日 星期三
Effect of NaCl stress on growth of six new selections of warm season turf grasses
2007年 第16卷 第4期 页码[47-52]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

利用水培法研究了NaCl胁迫对沟叶结缕草(Zoysia matrella ‘Z123’)、结缕草(Z. japonica ‘Z080’)、狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon ‘C291’)、海雀稗(Paspalum vaginatum ‘P006’)、假俭草(Eremochloa ophiuroides ‘E126’)和钝叶草(Stenotaphrum secundatum ‘S004’)6种暖季型草坪草新选系生长的影响,并对它们的抗盐能力进行了评价。结果表明,随NaCl浓度的提高,6个选系的叶片枯黄率均增大,但不同选系的变化幅度有显著差异;6个选系抗NaCl能力从强到弱依次为‘Z123’、 ‘C291’、 ‘P006’、 ‘S004’、‘Z080’、‘E126’。 5g·L- 1NaCl对选系’C291’、’S004’和’Z080’地上部分和根系生长有促进作用,而对选系’Z123’、’P006’和’E126’则有抑制作用;随NaCl浓度的提高,除选系‘E126’的根冠比迅速下降外,其他选系的根冠比均增加或缓慢下降;各选系的枝叶含水量均随NaCl浓度提高而下降,但选系‘S004’、‘P006’和‘E126’的枝叶含水量均高于选系‘C291’、‘Z123’和‘Z080’。 


Effect of NaCl stress on growth of six new selections of warm season turf grasses, including Zoysia matrella `Z123', Z. japonica `Z080', Cynodon dactylon `C 291', Paspalum vaginatum`P006', Eremochloa ophiuroides `E 126'and Stenotaphrum secundatum `S004', and their tolerances to NaCl stress were studied and assessed by hydroponic culture method. The results showed that leaf firing percentage of six selections all increased with NaCl concentration rising, but change ranges  of different selections were significant difference. According to leaf firing percentage, tolerance of these selections to NaCl stress from strong to weak is `Z123', `C 291', `P006', `S004', `Z080', `E 126'. Growth of shoot sand roots of `C 291',`S004' and `Z080' was stimulated and that of `Z123', `P006' and `E 126' was inhibited under  5g·L- 1 NaCl stress. With NaCl concentration rising, root-shoot ratios of these selections were increased or decreased slowly except that of `E 126' decreased rapidly, moreover water contentin shoots of six selections all decreased, but water content in shoots of `S004', `P006' and `E 126' was much higher than that in shoots of `C 291',`Z123' and `Z080'.

关键词NaCl胁迫; 暖季型草坪草; 新选系; 生长; 抗盐性;
Key wordsNaCl stress; warm season turf grass; news election; growth; salt tolerance
作者陈静波1,阎 君2,姜燕琴1,刘建秀1,郭海林1
所在单位1.江苏省•中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园),江苏南京210014; 2.南京农业大学园艺学院,江苏南京210095