摘要 | 随着全世界植物园数量的增加、功能的转变和多学科的综合, 需要发展植物园学, 以引导植物园的发展。 植物园学主要包括 10 个方面的内容:1) 植物园的性质、任务和功能;2) 历史;3) 规划设计;4) 物种保护, 尤其是迁地保护;5) 活植物收集圃及其管理;6) 引种驯化的理论与实践和新经济植物的发掘;7) 植物展出的技术与方法;8)城市生物多样性保护和利用;9) 环境教育和旅游;10) 维护和管理。 生物多样性是植物园的核心。 美丽的外貌、科学的内涵和人与自然和谐共处的准则是植物园的基本要素。 |
Abstract | Botanical garden originated from European culture in 16th century is a part of civilization of human beings.With the increment of the botanical gardens, the change and the development of their mission and function and the comprehension of various disciplines in botanical garden, it is the time to develop the science of botanical garden .Botanical garden science contains the following major topics :1) definition, 2) history, 3) planning and design, 4) conservation, especially ex-situ conservation, 5) collections on plant diversity, 6) theory and practice of plant introduction and acclimatization as well as new economic plants, 7) technology and measurement on the display of plants especially the greenhouses, 8) biodiversity conservation in cities, 9) botanical environment education and tourism, 10) maintenance and management . Biodiversity is the nuclear ( soul) of botanical gardens .Aesthetic appearance, scientific potential and co-existence philosophy are the essentials of botanical garden science . |
关键词 | 植物园; 生物多样性; 保护; 植物引种 |
Key words | botanical garden; biodiversity; conservation; plant introduction |
作者 | 贺善安, 顾 姻, 褚瑞芝, 於 虹 |
所在单位 | 江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所, 江苏 南京 210014 |
点击量 | 1207 |
下载次数 | 943 |