2025年3月12日 星期三
30 种植物叶蛋白中氨基酸组成及含量的测定与营养价值评价
The determination of composition and content of amino acids in leaf protein of 30 species and its nutritive value
2000年 第9卷 第1期 页码[59-60]    下载全文[0.3MB]  

The composition and content of amino acids in leaf protein (LP)of 30 species (pro tein contents >50%) were
.The result showed that the amino acids are complete and abundant in these species, especially the content of essential amino acids are comparative high .The essential amino acids co ntents of recommended species for producing LP is near to those models recommended by FA O/W HO (1973)and very similar to imported Peru fish powder .

关键词植物叶蛋白; 氨基酸; 营养价值
Key wordsleaf protein; amino acid; nutritive value
作者宋葆华 ,李法曾, 贺新强 ,倪陈凯
所在单位山东师范大学逆境植物重点实验室, 济南 250014