2025年1月22日 星期三
The food pigments plants for traditional use by the Zhuang nationality in Guangxi
1993年 第2卷 第3期 页码[63-64]    下载全文[0.2MB]  

The Zhuang nationality in Guangxi have the tradition of using food pigments from plants. They collect many different kinds of plant as the sources of pigments in the various districts and different seasons. For example. they use the flowers of Buddleja officinalis or the rootstocks of Curcuma domestion for extracting yellow pigment and the leaves of Liquidamber formosana for black pigmen. They also obtain violet and bluc pigments by processing and extracting the tender leaves of Peristrophe baphica.By dipping the raw rice into the water solution of these extracts, the bright, fragrant and delicious coloured-rice foods can be made from different methods. It is significant to study further the constituents of these pigments and the developing value of these plants.

关键词壮族; 食用色素植物;
Key wordsZhuang nationality; food pigment plants
作者林 宁
所在单位中央 民族学 院 , 北京 10 0 0 8 1