2025年2月11日 星期二
Phenophase and growth differences of Lycium ruthenicum from different provenances and their correlation analysis with geographical-climatic factors
2019年 第28卷 第4期 页码[41-48]    下载全文[1MB]  

以来自新疆、青海、甘肃和宁夏的6个种源黑果枸杞(Lycium ruthenicum Murr.)为研究对象,分别在2017年和2018年对民勤地区各种源的物候期和生长差异进行了比较,并对物候期和生长指标与地理-气候因子的相关性进行了分析。结果表明:总体来看,宁夏银川种源的展叶始期、展叶盛期和落叶末期较早,始花期、始果期和盛果期最早,盛花期最晚;青海格尔木种源的展叶始期、展叶盛期和落叶末期较晚;新疆福海种源的始花期、始果期和盛果期最晚,盛花期最早;末花期和末果期在种源间仅相差1 d。方差分析结果表明:除叶厚外,其他生长指标在种源间差异显著或极显著。宁夏银川种源的单株根蘖苗数最少、株高最矮、冠幅最小、单株活枝条质量最小,但枝条死亡率最高;青海格尔木种源的单株根蘖苗数较多,但叶长、叶宽和叶厚最小;新疆博乐种源的株高最高、冠幅最大、单株活枝条质量最大、叶长和叶宽最大,但枝条死亡率最低。青海格尔木和甘肃民勤种源的单株鲜果产量、百粒鲜果质量和干果中原花青素含量较高,而新疆博乐种源这3个指标最低。相关性分析结果表明:除盛花期和末果期外,黑果枸杞叶、花和果实物候期与年均温呈极显著负相关;展叶盛期与年均日照时数呈显著负相关;展叶始期和盛花期与经度、盛果期和单株根蘖苗数与年均降水量、枝条死亡率与年均温以及干果中原花青素含量与海拔和年太阳总辐射呈显著正相关。研究结果显示:不同种源黑果枸杞的物候期和生长存在明显差异,年均温可影响黑果枸杞的物候期,而海拔和年太阳总辐射可影响其干果中原花青素含量。


Abstract: Taking Lycium ruthenicum Murr. from six provenances of Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu and Ningxia as research objects, phenophase and growth differences of each provenance in Minqin region were compared in 2017 and 2018, respectively, and the correlations of phenophases and growth indexes with geographical-climatic factors were analyzed. The results show that in general, the initial stage of leaf expansion, prime stage of leaf expansion and late stage of fallen leaf of provenance from Yinchuan of Ningxia are early, its initial flowering stage, initial fruit stage and full fruit stage are the earliest, while its full flowering stage is the latest; the initial stage of leaf expansion, prime stage of leaf expansion and late stage of fallen leaf of provenance from Golmud of Qinghai are late; the initial flowering stage, initial fruit stage and full fruit stage of provenance from Fuhai of Xinjiang are the latest, while its full flowering stage is the earliest; the differences in the late flowering stage and late fruit stage among provenances are only 1 d. The variance analysis result shows that except for leaf thickness, the differences in other growth indexes among provenances are significant or extremely significant. Number of root seedling per plant of provenance from Yinchuan of Ningxia is the smallest, its plant height is the shortest, its canopy is the smallest, and its mass of living branch per plant is the smallest, but its death rate of branch is the highest; while number of root seedling per plant of provenance from Golmud of Qinghai is large, but its leaf length, leaf width and leaf thickness are the smallest; plant height of provenance from Bole of Xinjiang is the highest, its canopy is the largest, its mass of living branch per plant is the largest, and its leaf length and leaf width are the biggest, but its death rate of branch is the lowest. Fresh fruit yield per plant, 100-grain mass of fresh fruit and content of procyanidin in dry fruit of provenances from Golmud of Qinghai and Minqin of Gansu are high, while these three indexes of provenance from Bole of Xinjiang are the lowest. The correlation analysis result shows that except for full flowering stage and late fruit stage, there are extremely significant negative correlations of leaf, flowering and fruit phenophases of L. ruthenicum with annual mean temperature; there is a significant negative correlation of prime stage of leaf expansion with annual mean sunshine hours; there are significant positive correlations of initial stage of leaf expansion and full flowering stage with longitude, full fruit stage and number of root seedling per plant with annual mean precipitation, death rate of branch with annual mean temperature, and content of procyanidin in dry fruit with altitude and annual total solar radiation. It is suggested that there are obvious differences in phenophase and growth of L. ruthenicum from different provenances, annual mean temperature can affect phenophase of L. ruthenicum, while altitude and annual total solar radiation can affect content of procyanidin in its dry fruit.

关键词黑果枸杞; 种源; 物候期; 生长; 地理-气候因子; 相关性分析
Key wordsLycium ruthenicum Murr.; provenance; phenophase; growth; geographical-climatic factor; correlation analysis
作者刘克彪a, 郭春秀b, 张元恺b, 满多清a, 付贵全a
所在单位甘肃省治沙研究所: a. 甘肃省沙生植物工程技术研究中心, 甘肃 兰州 730070; b. 甘肃省荒漠化与风沙灾害防治国家重点实验室培育基地, 甘肃 武威 733000
基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目(31560128); 甘肃省中小企业创新基金(1504JKCA032)