2025年2月11日 星期二
Cloning and expression analysis on FcCaM genes from Ficus carica
2024年 第33卷 第6期 页码[1-10]    下载全文[4.7MB]  

基于无花果(Ficus carica Linn.)基因组数据克隆到5个FcCaM基因,这5个FcCaM基因的开放阅读框(ORF)长度为447~453 bp,编码148~150个氨基酸,含有1或3个内含子,且分布在4条染色体上。5个FcCaM蛋白的理论相对分子质量为16 847.67~17 039.07,理论等电点为pI 4.00至pI 4.12,总平均亲水系数为-0.619~-0.385,三级结构均为哑铃状,并具有4个可与Ca2+结合的EF-hand结构域,并且,FcCaM1和FcCaM2的基本理化性质完全一致。系统进化树显示5个FcCaM聚在2个分支中,其中,FcCaM1和FcCaM2聚在一个分支中,FcCaM3、FcCaM4和FcCaM5聚在另一个分支中,且FcCaM4和FcCaM5聚在同一亚支中。启动子顺式作用元件分析结果显示5个FcCaM基因的启动子区含有多种激素、光和非生物胁迫响应元件。亚细胞定位结果表明FcCaM1、FcCaM2和FcCaM5定位于细胞核和细胞质,FcCaM3和FcCaM4定位于细胞质。实时荧光定量逆转录PCR结果表明:总体上,FcCaM1和FcCaM2的相对表达量在低温(4 ℃)、干旱(质量体积分数30%PEG6000)、光照(暗适应9 h后持续光照)和激素(100 μmol·L-1脱落酸)处理下升高; FcCaM3、FcCaM4和FcCaM5的相对表达量在低温、干旱和脱落酸处理下升高(FcCaM4在脱落酸处理下的表达水平除外),在光照处理下降低。综上所述,无花果FcCaM蛋白序列较为保守,FcCaM基因可参与低温、干旱等非生物胁迫和光响应过程,并受脱落酸诱导。


 Five FcCaM genes were cloned based on the genomic data of Ficus carica Linn. The length of open reading frames (ORF) of the five FcCaM genes are 447-453 bp, encoding 148-150 amino acids, containing one or three introns and distributing on four chromosomes. The theoretical relative molecular masses of the five FcCaM proteins are 16 847.67-17 039.07, their theoretical isoelectric points are pI 4.00 to pI 4.12, their grand averages of hydropathicity are -0.619--0.385, their tertiary structures are all dumbbell shapes, and all of them possess four EF-hand domains which can bind Ca2+. Moreover, the basic physicochemical properties of FcCaM1 and FcCaM2 are completely consistent. The phylogenetic tree shows that the five FcCaMs are clustered into two branches, in which, FcCaM1 and FcCaM2 are clustered into one branch, FcCaM3, FcCaM4, and FcCaM5 are clustered into the other branch, and FcCaM4 and FcCaM5 are clustered into the same subbranch. The promoter cis-acting element analysis result shows that the promoter regions of the five FcCaM genes contain various hormones, light,  and abiotic stress response elements. The subcellular localization result shows that FcCaM1, FcCaM2, and FcCaM5 are localized in nucleus and cytoplasm, while FcCaM3 and FcCaM4 are localized in cytoplasm. The result of reverse-transcription quantitative real-time fluorescence  PCR shows that, in general, the relative expression levels of FcCaM1 and FcCaM2 increase under low temperature (4 ℃), drought (PEG6000 with mass volume fraction of 30%), light (continuous light after dark adaptation for 9 h), and hormone (100 μmol·L-1 abscisic acid) treatments; the relative expression levels of FcCaM3, FcCaM4 and FcCaM5 increase under low temperature, drought, and abscisic acid treatments (except the expression level of FcCaM4 under abscisic acid treatment), but decrease under light treatment. In conclusion, the sequences of FcCaM proteins from F. carica are relatively conserved, and FcCaM genes can respond to abiotic stress (such as low temperature and drought) and light response processes, and they are induced by abscisic acid.

关键词无花果; 钙调蛋白; 基因克隆; 非生物胁迫; 表达模式; 亚细胞定位
Key wordsFicus carica Linn.; calmodulin; gene cloning; abiotic stress; expression pattern; subcellular localization
作者聂菲1, 房海灵2, 刘慧萍2, 亓希武2, 于盱2, 李莉2, 梁呈元1,2
所在单位1. 南京林业大学林草学院、水土保持学院, 江苏 南京 210037; 2. 江苏省中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园), 江苏 南京 210014