2025年2月5日 星期三
Comparison and analysis of total flavonoids content in different organs of different cultivars of Fagopyrum tataricum
2011年 第20卷 第1期 页码[86-87] 下载全文[0.7MB]
摘要 | Total flavonoids content in stems, leaves and seeds of seven cultivars of Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn. And a cultivar of F. esculentum Moench were determined by UV-visible spectrophotometry. The results show that total flavonoids content in leaves is higher. Total flavonoids content among different cultivars of F. tataricum has a great difference. Among seven cultivars of F. tataricum, total flavonoids content is the highest in leaves and seeds of ‘Jiande Tartary Buckwheat’ with 106. 16 and 24. 09 mg·g-1 , respectively, and in stems of ‘Dingbian Tartary Buckwheat’with 34. 65 mg·g-1 . The comprehensive analysis result indicates that ‘Jiande Tartary Buckwheat’is the best germplasm resources of F. tataricum and worth to further extension. |
关键词 | 苦荞麦; 总黄酮; 紫外-可见分光光度法 |
Key words | Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn.; total flavonoids; UV-visible spectrophotometry |
作者 | 邵美红1,林兵2,孙加焱1, 韩婷2, 秦路平2, |
所在单位 | 1. 浙江省建德市种子管理站, 浙江建德311600; 2. 第二军医大学药学院生药学教研室, 上海200433 |
点击量 | 1551 |
下载次数 | 1631 |
基金项目 | 浙江省种子基金项目(浙农计2009168 号) |