摘要 | 在油松(Pinus tabulaefomis Carr.)主要天然分布区晋、冀、陕、甘4省,选择12个种源36个林分(每个林分8株成年油松样木),利用气相色谱和气质联用技术,测定了油松针叶萜类相对含量,并分析了所含萜类总数在不同种源间、种源内不同林分间的差异。结果表明:(1)油松针叶萜类相对含量以随机变异为主;(2)有2种化合物(γ-古芙烯和一未知物)及化合物总数具有较强的生态型变异特点;(3)多数化合物的相对含量存在显著的种源间差异,部分存在种源内林分间差异,多数化合物的种源间差异大于种源内林分间差异。
Abstract | The geographical variations of foliar volatile terpenes of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. were determined. The needle samples were collected from 36 sampling stands at 12 sampling sites of native forest in 4 provinces (Shanxi, Hebei, Shaanxi and Gansu), and 8 sampling trees in each stand were collected. The results indicated that: ( 1 ) the geographical variations of relative contents of most foliar terpenes are irregular; (2) the relative content of compounds number 04 (unidentified) and 21 ( 7-gurjunene) show ecological variations in a certain degree; ( 3 ) there are significant variations among provenances and among stands within provenance, and the variations among provenances are greater than those among stands within provenance. |
关键词 | 油松; 针叶; 萜类; 相对含量; 地理变异; |
Key words | Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.; needle; relative content; geographical variation |
作者 | 刘和平,张懿藻 |
所在单位 | 陕西省林业科学研究所,杨陵712100 西北林学院,杨陵712100 |
点击量 | 8323 |
下载次数 | 1051 |
基金项目 | “七•五”国家攻关课题; |