2024年9月13日 星期五
HPLC-ELSD 法测定桔梗中桔梗皂苷 D 的含量
Determination of platycodin D in Platycodon grandiflorum by HPLC-ELSD method
2001年 第10卷 第4期 页码[11-13]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

首次采用高效液相-蒸发光散射检测器色谱法测定桔梗Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.)A .DC.〕中桔梗皂苷D 含量, C18 (5 μm , 4.6 mm×250 mm)为色谱柱, V(乙腈)∶V()=2872 为流动相, 流速0.7 mL/min, ELSD-500为检测器, 外标法定量结果表明:桔梗皂苷 D 0.3 2.4 μg 范围内呈线性, 回收率为 99.57%(n =5), RSD 1.10 %。 8 种不同来源的桔梗材料和20 个四倍体株系桔梗皂甙 D 含量的测定说明, 此法是测定桔梗皂苷 D 的较佳方法, 可作为我国桔梗质量控制和评价的一种可靠的技术


This paper established a new HPLC-ELSD method to determine the content of platycodin D in different samples of Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq .)A .DC .Alltech C18 column (5 μm , 4 .6mm ×250mm) was used , mobile phase was V(acetonitrile)∶V(water)=2872 at 0 .7 mL/min speed .ELSD-500 detector was used for qualitative and quantitative analysis in external standard method . Obtained results indicated that within 0 .3 -2 .4 μg platycodin D had a good linearity .The average recovery was 99 .57 %(n =5)with RSD 1 .10 %.In order to evaluate the reliability of this new method , the content of platycodin D in seven different original samples and 20 induced tetraploid lines in tissue culture were determined .The obtained results indicated that this is first time to report an advanced and effective method for the quality control and evaluation for raw materials of P .grandiflorum .

关键词桔梗; 桔梗皂甙 D; 高效液相-蒸发光散射
Key wordsPlatycodon grandiflorum (Jacq .)A .DC .; platycodin D; polyploid; HPLC-ELSD
作者朱丹妮 , 舒 娈 , 郅 慧 , 高山林
所在单位中国药科大学, 江苏 南京 210038