摘要 | 采用多元回归分析和灰色关联分析方法, 探讨下蜀次生栎林蒸腾强度与生态因子的相关关系。 研究认为用二次或三次多项式回归方程比用一元线性回归方程和指数回归方程拟合更能反映各生态因子在整个生长季中与蒸腾强度关系的性质。 影响蒸腾强度的主要生态因子是温度和净辐射;其次是空气相对湿度和土壤热流通量;风速和土壤含水率的影响很小。 灰色关联分析与多元回归分析的结论一致。 研究结果为进一步阐明次生栎林的结构和功能提供了理论基础。 |
Abstract | The correlation between environmental facto rs and transpiration intensity of the secondary oak stand w as studied .The co rrelation of the transpiration intensity and environmental factors simulated by second o r third multinomial regression equations w as perfect than by one variable linear regressio n equation and ex ponential reg ression equation .The results show ed that the major environmental factors affecting transpiration intensity were net radiation and air temperature. Relative humidity and soil heat fluxes came in second .Wind velocity and average w ater capacity of soil were unremarkable. |
关键词 | 次生栎林; 蒸腾强度; 生态因子; 灰色关联分析 |
Key words | secondary oak stand; transpiration intensity; environmental factors; grey relatio n grades analysis |
作者 | 郑阿宝 ,钟育谦 ,阮宏华, 姜志林 |
所在单位 | 江苏省农林厅林业局, 南京 210013 南京林业大学, 南京 210037 |
点击量 | 1246 |
下载次数 | 946 |
基金项目 | 国家林业局重点课题“下蜀城市森林生态系统定位研究”部分内容 |