摘要 | 以南宁金花茶基因库中9种(含变种)金花茶类植物为研究对象,对其开花物候期、单花开放时间以及花部形态特征进行了观察和比较。结果表明:供试9种金花茶类植物开花物候期差异较大,其中,柠檬金花茶(原变种)〔Camellia indochinensis var. indochinensis (C. B. Clarke) Ridley〕、凹脉金花茶(C. impressinervis Hung T. Chang et S. Ye Liang)、毛瓣金花茶(C. pubipetala Y. Wan et S. Z. Huang)、小花金花茶(C. micrantha S. Ye Liang et Y. C. Zhong)和显脉金花茶(C. euphlebia Merr. ex Sealy)以及花朵较大且金黄色的金花茶〔C. petelotii (Merr.) Sealy〕(金花茶-1)和花朵较小且淡黄色的金花茶(金花茶-2)的花期为冬季,东兴金花茶〔C. indochinensis var. tunghinensis (Hung T. Chang) T. L. Ming et W. J. Zhang〕的花期为早春,淡黄金花茶(C. flavida Hung T. Chang)和四季花金花茶(C. perpetua S. Y. Liang et L. D. Huang)的花期为夏季。四季花金花茶和显脉金花茶的花期持续时间较长,分别为55和51 d。毛瓣金花茶和金花茶-1的盛花期持续时间最长,均为21 d。显脉金花茶、小花金花茶和东兴金花茶的单花开放时间较长(6.0 d及以上)。花部形态观察结果表明:柠檬金花茶(原变种)和小花金花茶的花朵较小,凹脉金花茶、毛瓣金花茶和金花茶-1的花朵较大。在相同的环境中,9种金花茶类植物种内变异丰富,其中,四季花金花茶和淡黄金花茶花部形态指标变异系数的均值较大,分别为18.14%和15.29%;供试花部形态指标中,花冠高度种间变异系数的均值最小,为10.17%。巢式方差分析结果显示:9种金花茶类植物花部形态指标的种间变异远大于种内变异,可用于区分种与变种。研究结果显示:供试9种金花茶类植物在南宁的花期为12月至翌年7月,花期较长,观赏价值高,花部形态指标可作为金花茶类植物分类的参考依据。 |
Abstract | Taking nine species (including varieties) of yellow camellia plants in Yellow Camellia Gene Bank in Nanning City as research objects, their flowering phenology, single flower opening time, and floral morphological characteristics were observed and compared. The results show that there are great differences in flowering phenology of nine species of test yellow camellia plants, in which, flowering period of Camellia indochinensis var. indochinensis (C. B. Clarke) Ridley, C. impressinervis Hung T. Chang et S. Ye Liang, C. pubipetala Y. Wan et S. Z. Huang, C. micrantha S. Ye Liang et Y. C. Zhong, C. euphlebia Merr. ex Sealy, C. petelotii (Merr.) Sealy with big and golden yellow flowers (C. petelotii-1), and C. petelotii with small and light yellow flowers (C. petelotii-2) is in winter, that of C. indochinensis var. tunghinensis (Hung T. Chang) T. L. Ming et W. J. Zhang is in early spring, and that of C. flavida Hung T. Chang and C. perpetua S. Y. Liang et L. D. Huang is in summer. The lasting time of flowering period of C. perpetua and C. euphlebia is relatively long, which is 55 and 51 d, respectively. The lasting time of full flowering stage of C. pubipetala and C. petelotii-1 is the longest, which is 21 d. Single flower opening time of C. euphlebia, C. micrantha, and C. indochinensis var. tunghinensis is relatively long (6.0 d and above). The observation result of floral morphology shows that the flowers of C. indochinensis var. indochinensis and C. micrantha are relatively small, while those of C. impressinervis, C. pubipetala, and C. petelotii-1 are relatively big. In the same environment, there are rich intraspecific variations in nine species of yellow camellia plants, in which, the mean of coefficient of variations of floral morphological indexes of C. perpetua and C. flavida is relatively large, which is 18.14% and 15.29%, respectively; among test floral morphological indexes, the mean of coefficient of variation of corolla height among species is the smallest, which is 10.17%. The nested analysis result shows that interspecific variations of floral morphological indexes of nine species of test yellow camellia plants are much greater than those of intraspecific variations, which can be used to distinguish species and varieties. It is suggested that the flowering period of nine species of test yellow camellia plants in Nanning City is relatively long (from December to next July), their ornamental value is high, and floral morphological indexes can be references for taxonomy of yellow camellia plants. |
关键词 | 金花茶类植物; 开花物候期; 单花开放时间; 花部形态 |
Key words | yellow camellia plants; flowering phenology; single flower opening time; floral morphology |
作者 | 王翊1, 喇燕菲2, 戴宇琴1, 黄晓娜3, 石思云1 |
所在单位 | 1. 广西大学林学院, 广西 南宁 530004; 2. 广西壮族自治区农业科学院花卉研究所, 广西 南宁 530007;3. 南宁市金花茶公园, 广西 南宁 530022 |
点击量 | 2472 |
下载次数 | 2036 |
基金项目 | 广西自然科学青年基金项目(2017JJB130324); 南宁市重点研发项目(20182005-1) |