摘要 | 以来自湖北英山的2年生茅苍术(Atractylodes lancea(Thunb.)DC.)为实验材料,研究了茅苍术的根、根茎、叶片、茎和花果在不同发育阶段挥发油的含量变化、分布模式及其与生长量的关系。结果表明,茅苍术的根、根茎、叶片、茎和花果中均含有挥发油,但主要存在于根茎中,占全株挥发油总量的81.79%;苍术酮、茅术醇、β-桉叶醇、芹烷二烯酮及苍术素为根茎挥发油的主要成分,占根茎挥发油总量的94.53%;β-桉叶醇和茅术醇的含量较高,占5种主要挥发油成分总量的74.85%;5种主要挥发油成分在不同器官中的形成及动态变化均不同。根茎挥发油成分在营养生长及生殖生长旺盛期积累缓慢,在营养生长及生殖生长后期积累迅速。根据研究结果确定南京地区茅苍术的最佳采收期为11月中下旬。 |
Abstract | Content change and distribution model of essential oil in root, rhizome, leaf, stem, fruit and flower of two-year-old Atractylodes lancea(Thunb.) DC. from Yingshan of Hubei Province at different development stages were studied and relationship between essential oil content and increment was discussed. The results showed that all organs contained essentialoil, and mainly existed inrhizome with apercentage of 81.79% of total content of essential oil in whole plant. Atractylon, hinesol, β-eudesmol, selina-4(14),7(11)-dien-8-oneandatractylod in were main constituents of essential oil with a percentage of 94.53% of its total content inrhizome. Total content of hinesol and β-eudesmol were higher with a percentage of 74. 85% in five main constituents. The formation and dynamic change of five main constituents in different organs were various. Essential oil inrhizome accumulated slowly in earlier period of vegetative growth and reproductive growth stage, while fast in later period. It is suggested that the optimal harvest stage of A. lancea is middle and last ten-days of November in Nanjing. |
关键词 | 茅苍术; 挥发油含量; 器官; 生长量; 动态变化; 分布模式; |
Key words | Atractylodes lancea(Thunb.)DC.; essentialoil content; organ; increment; dynamic change; distribution model |
作者 | 顾永华,冯 煦,夏 冰 |
所在单位 | 江苏省•中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园),江苏南京210014 |
点击量 | 8188 |
下载次数 | 1077 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30370292); |