摘要 | 对云南丽江鲁店乡 18 个样点粗茎秦艽(Gentiana crassicaulis Duth. ex Burk.)的根茎品质指标以及栽培土壤基本养分和矿质元素含量进行了测定;在此基础上,分析了根茎品质指标与土壤化学指标的相关性,并采用逐步回归分析方法筛选出影响粗茎秦艽根茎品质的主要土壤化学因子。 测定结果表明:各样点间粗茎秦艽根茎的总灰分、酸不溶性灰分、水分、醇溶性浸出物、马钱苷酸和龙胆苦苷含量的差异较大,平均值分别为 2. 84% 、0. 28% 、6. 21% 、28. 57% 、1. 53% 和 4. 70% ,均符合相关的药材标准。 土壤 pH 值为 pH 4. 67 ~ pH 6. 83,平均值为 pH 5. 51;土壤中有机质、速效 N、速效 P 和速效 K 含量差异明显,平均值分别为7. 38% 、128. 09μg· g-1 、86. 85μg· g-1和232. 33μg· g-1;土壤中交换性 Ca、交换性 Mg、有效 Zn、有效 Mn、有效 Fe 和有效 Cu 含量也有较大差 异 ,平 均 值 分 别 为1 391. 16、91. 87、2. 81、56. 18、51. 07 和 0. 92μg· g-1 。 相关性分析结果表明:土壤速效 P 含量与粗茎秦艽根茎中醇溶性浸出物和龙胆苦苷含量分别呈极显著和显著正相关;土壤有效 Fe 含量与根茎中总灰分、酸不溶性灰分、醇溶性浸出物和龙胆苦苷含量呈极显著或显著正相关;土壤有效 Cu 含量与根茎中总灰分含量呈极显著正相关。 逐步回归分析结果表明:影响粗茎秦艽根茎中总灰分含量的土壤化学因子是有效 Zn、有效 Fe 和有效 Cu 含量,影响根茎中酸不溶性灰分和龙胆苦苷含量的土壤化学因子是有效 Fe 含量,影响根茎中醇溶性浸出物含量的土壤化学因子是速效 P 含量;而根茎中水分和马钱苷酸含量与各土壤化学因子均无明显的回归关系。 综合分析结果显示:云南丽江粗茎秦艽种植区域的土壤均呈弱酸性,基本养分充足、矿质元素含量丰富,适宜于粗茎秦艽的生长;土壤有效Fe 含量对粗茎秦艽根茎的品质指标影响最大,在实际生产中应适当喷施含 Fe 的微肥。 |
Abstract | Quality indexes of rhizome of Gentiana crassicaulis Duth. ex Burk. and contents of basic nutrients and mineral elements in its cultivated soil from eighteen sampling points at Ludian Township in Lijiang of Yunnan Province were detected. On this basis, correlation between rhizome quality indexes and soil chemical indexes was analyzed, and the main soil chemical factors influencing quality of G. crassicaulis rhizome were selected by stepwise regression analysis method. The results show that differences in contents of total ash, acid-insoluble ash, water, ethanol-soluble extractive, loganic acid and gentiopicroside in G. crassicaulis rhizome among different sampling points are bigger with average values of 2. 84% , 0. 28% , 6. 21% , 28. 57% , 1. 53% and 4. 70% , respectively, all of them conform. to the related medicinal material standards. Soil pH value is pH 4. 67-pH 6. 83 with an average of pH 5. 51. Differences in contents of organic matter, available N, available P and available K in soil are obvious with average values of 7. 38% , 128. 09μg· g-1, 86. 85μg· g-1and 232. 33μg· g-1,respectively. Differences in contents of exchangeable Ca, exchangeable Mg, effective Zn, effective Mn, effective Fe and effective Cu in soil are also bigger with average values of 1 391. 16, 91. 87, 2. 81,56. 18, 51. 07 and 0. 92μg· g-1, respectively. The result of correlation analysis shows that content of available P in soil appears extremely significantly and significantly positive correlations to contents of ethanol-soluble extractive and gentiopicroside in G. crassicaulis rhizome, respectively. Content of effective Fe in soil appears extremely significantly or significantly positive correlations to contents of total ash, acid-insoluble ash, ethanol-soluble extractive and gentiopicroside in rhizome. Content of effective Cu in soil appears extremely significantly positive correlation to content of total ash in rhizome. The result of stepwise regression analysis shows that soil chemical factors influencing content of total ash in G. crassicaulis rhizome are contents of effective Zn, effective Fe and effective Cu, that influencing contents of acid-insoluble ash and gentiopicroside in rhizome is content of effective Fe, that influencing content of ethanol-soluble extractive in rhizome is content of available P, while contents of water and loganic acid in rhizome have no significant regression to soil chemical factors. The results of comprehensive analysis indicate that soil of cultivated region of G. crassicaulis in Lijiang of Yunnan Province is weak acidic, its basic nutrients are abundant and mineral element contents are rich, it is suitable for G. crassicaulis to grow. Effect of effective Fe content in soil on quality indexes of G. crassicaulis rhizome is the most and it should be appropriately spraying micronutrient fertilizer containing Fe in actual production. |
关键词 | 粗茎秦艽; 根茎; 品质指标; 土壤化学因子; 相关性分析; 逐步回归分析 |
Key words | Gentiana crassicaulis Duth. ex Burk.; rhizome; quality index; soil chemical factor; correlation analysis; stepwise regression analysis |
作者 | 宋九华1,2, 孟杰1, 曾羽1, 李瑶1, 成涛3, 陈兴福1 |
所在单位 | 1. 四川农业大学农学院, 四川 温江 611130; 2. 乐山师范学院化学系, 四川 乐山 614004; 3. 四川回春堂药业公司, 四川 遂宁 629000 |
点击量 | 1523 |
下载次数 | 983 |
基金项目 | 四川省“十二五”农作物及畜禽育种攻关专项(2011NZ0098-12-01) |