摘要 | 以分布于福建(漳平永福、漳平官田和武平东留)、江西(会昌永隆和大余庾岭)和广西(南宁宾阳)的 6 个野生硃砂根(Ardisia crenata Sims)居群的 144 个单株为研究对象,对植株形态特征(株高、干高、干径、分枝数、枝下高和冠径)、叶部性状(叶色、叶数、叶长、叶宽和叶柄长)和整体观赏性(果穗数、果穗长、每穗果数、果径、果穗柄长、果柄长、果实百粒重、果色和观赏性)3 个方面的 20 个形态性状及其变异幅度进行了比较分析,在此基础上采用欧氏距离进行 UPGMA 聚类分析。 结果表明:不同居群间硃砂根的分枝数、枝下高、叶数、叶色、果穗数和果色等性状的变异幅度较大,总变异系数分别为 38. 66% 、37. 19% 、42. 48% 、42. 57% 、50. 36% 和 52. 34% ;叶长、叶宽、果实百粒重和果径的变异幅度较小,总变异系数均小于 15% 。 在不同居群间,分枝数、枝下高、叶色、果穗数和果色等性状有极显著差异(P<0. 01),冠径和每穗果数差异显著(P<0. 05),其余性状均无显著差异。 在欧氏距离 30 处可将所有单株划分为 A、B、C、D、E 和 F 共 6 个表征群,同一居群的大部分单株基本被聚在同一个表征群中,其中,武平东留和漳平官田居群的所有单株分别被聚在 C 和 D 中,E 和 F 则分别由会昌永隆居群的 3 个单株和南宁宾阳居群的8 个单株组成。 在欧氏距离 26 处可将表征群 A、C、D 和 F 进一步划分为 14 个亚表征群,其中,A、C 和 F 均可划分出 4 个亚表征群,D 可划分出 2 个亚表征群;亚表征群 C1 所包含的单株分别归属于 4 个居群,另外 13 个亚表征群所包含的单株则分别归属于 1 ~ 3 个居群。 研究结果显示,不同居群硃砂根植株的形态特征表现出较明显的地理分化特性,不同居群间的形态分化程度较高,且其形态分化不仅存在于居群间,也存在于居群内。 |
Abstract | Taking 144 wild individuals of Ardisia crenata Sims distributing in six populations of Fujian ( Yongfu in Zhangping, Guantian in Zhangping and Dongliu in Wuping), Jiangxi (Yonglong in Huichang and Yuling in Dayu) and Guangxi ( Binyang in Nanning) as research objects, twenty morphological characters of three aspects including plant morphological characters ( plant height, trunk height, trunk diameter, branch number, height under branch and canopy diameter), leaf characters (leaf colour, leaf number, leaf length, leaf width and petiole length) and whole ornamental characters ( ear number, ear length, fruit number per ear, fruit diameter, length of ear stalk, length of fruit stalk, 100-fruit weight, fruit colour and ornamental) and their variation ranges were analyzed comparatively. And based on the analysis result, UPGMA cluster analysis was carried out by Euclidean distance. The results show that variation ranges of branch number, height under branch, leaf number, leaf colour, ear number and fruit colour are bigger, and total variation coefficients are 38. 66% , 37. 19% , 42. 48% , 42. 57% , 50. 36% and 52. 34% , respectively. While those of leaf length, leaf width, 100-fruit weight and fruit diameter are smaller, and total variation coefficients all are lower than 15% . The differences of branch number, height under branch, leaf colour, ear number and fruit colour among different populations are extremely significant (P<0. 01), those of canopy diameter and fruit number per ear are significant (P<0. 05), while the others are not significant. All individuals can be divided into six phenetic groups of A, B, C, D, E and F at Euclidean distance of 30, and most individuals belonging to same population often cluster in the same phenetic group. In which, all individuals belonging to populations of Dongliu in Wuping and Guantian in Zhangping are clustered in C and D, respectively. E is composed of three individuals belonging to population of Yonglong in Huichang and F is composed of eight individuals belonging to population of Binyang in Nanning. At Euclidean distance of 26, phenetic groups of A, C, D and F can be further divided into 14 sub-groups, in which, A, C and F into four sub-groups and D into two sub-groups. All individuals in sub-group C1 respectively belong to four populations and those in other 13 sub-groups to 1-3 populations. It is suggested that the morphological characters of A. crenata from different populations appear obvious geographical differentiation feature, and the degree of morphological differentiation among different populations is higher and morphological differentiations exist not only among populations but also within populations. |
关键词 | 硃砂根; 形态特征; 居群; 变异系数; 聚类分析; 表征群 |
Key words | Ardisia crenata Sims; morphological character; population; variation coefficient; cluster analysis; phenetic group |
作者 | 陶萌春 |
所在单位 | 福建农林大学园林学院, 福建 福州 350002 |
点击量 | 1381 |
下载次数 | 1192 |
基金项目 | 福建省林业厅科技项目(闽林科 2007-4); 福建省科技厅项目(2008S0002) |