2025年1月18日 星期六
基于AFLP 标记的山东省5 个野核桃群体的遗传多样性分析
Genetic diversity analysis on five populations of Juglans cathayensis from Shandong Province based on AFLP marker
2013年 第22卷 第3期 页码[63-69]    下载全文[1.1MB]  

利用AFLP 分子标记,对分布于山东省内5 个样地(泰山鹁鸽崖、鲁山核心区边缘、崂山北九水、昆嵛山南天门和泰山佛’寺)的46 个野核桃(Juglans cathayensis Dode)单株的遗传多样性进行了分析,并采用聚类分析方法探讨了它们的遗传关系。结果表明:用8 对PstI/ MseI 系列引物组合从46 个单株中共扩增出1 034 条带,其中多态性条带1 005 条,多态性条带百分率达97. 20%;每对引物可扩增出113 ~154 条多态性条带,平均每对引物可扩增出125. 6 条多态性条带。在这些条带中包含174 条特异性条带(其中有19 条缺失条带),通过特异性条带可鉴别出91. 3%的野核桃单株。5 个野核桃群体的多态性条带百分率(PPB)、观测等位基因数(Na)、有效等位基因数(Ne)、Nei’s 基因多样度(H)和Shannon’s 信息指数(I)分别为50. 57% ~63. 51%、1. 505 7 ~ 1. 635 1、1. 273 5 ~ 1. 300 4、0. 163 2 ~0. 181 9 和0. 249 1 ~0. 281 3,PPB、Na、Ne、H 和I 的平均值分别为55. 23%、1. 552 3、1. 284 3、0. 169 6 和0.259 4,表明野核桃群体遗传多样性较高、遗传变异较为丰富。46 个单株的遗传相似性系数为0. 536 8 ~0. 864 5,平均值为0. 624 9。聚类分析结果显示:在遗传相似性系数0. 66 处,可将46 个单株分成7 组,其中部分来源于同一产地的单株没有聚在同一组中,表明这些野核桃单株的遗传关系与其地理分布不完全一致。


The genetic diversity of forty-six individuals of Juglans cathayensis Dode collected from five plots (i. e. Boge Cliff of Taishan Mountain, edge of core zone of Lushan Mountain, Beijiushui Area of Laoshan Mountain, Nantianmen of Kunyushan Mountain and Foye Temple of Taishan Mountain) in Shandong Province was analyzed by means of AFLP marker, and the genetic relationship among these individuals also was discussed by cluster analysis method. The results show that 1 034 bands amplified by using eight pairs of PstI/ MseI primer combinations, in which, there are 1 005 polymorpahriec bands with 97. 20% of percentage of polymorphic band. Each pair of primer can amplify 113 -154 polymorphic bands with the average of 125. 6 polymorphic bands. There are 174 specific bands (including 19 absent bands) in these bands, and 91. 3% of J. cathayensis individuals can be distinguished based on these specific bands. Percentage of polymorphic band (PPB), observed number of alleles (Na), effective number of alleles (Ne), Nei’s gene diversity (H) and Shannon’s information index (I) of five populations of J. cathayensis is 50. 57% -63. 51%, 1. 505 7-1. 635 1, 1. 273 5- 1. 300 4, 0. 163 2-0. 181 9 and 0. 249 1-0. 281 3, respectively, the averages of PPB, Na, Ne, H and I is 55. 23%, 1. 552 3, 1. 284 3, 0. 169 6 and 0. 259 4, respectively, meaning that there are high genetic diversity and rich genetic variation among J. cathayensis populations. The genetic similarity coefficient of forty-six individuals is 0. 536 8-0. 864 5 with an average of 0. 624 9. The cluster analysis result shows that forty-six individuals can be divided into seven groups at 0. 66 of genetic similarity coefficient, in which, some individuals collected from the same plot are not gathered into the same group,indicating that genetic relationship of these individuals is not completely consistent with their geographical distribution.


关键词野核桃; AFLP 标记; 遗传多样性; 聚类分析; 多态性条带
Key wordsJuglans cathayensis Dode; AFLP marker; genetic diversity; cluster analysis; polymorphic band
作者王东升, 辛红, 邢世岩, 刘晓静, 吴岐奎
所在单位山东农业大学林学院, 山东泰安271018
基金项目山东省农业良种工程重大课题(鲁农良字[2011]7 号)