2025年3月7日 星期五
Analysis on the chemical constituents of essential oil from branches and leaves of Thuja koraiensis Nakai
1995年 第4卷 第2期 页码[61-62]    下载全文[0.2MB]  

The chemical constituents of the essential oil from branches and leaves of Thuja koraiensis Nakai were analyzed by GC-MS-DC. 50 components were identified from 53 isolated components. Their content identified are 99. 16 % of the total amount. The main components are carvyl acetate (33. 37 % ) , fenchone ( 15. 73 % ) , thujanone (11. 28%), sabinene (8. 23%). 4-terpineol (5. 1 3%) , etc. It proved that the essential oil of this species is to develope as an edible and medicinal perfume material.

关键词长白侧柏; 精油; 气-质联用; 乙酸香芹酯;
Key wordsThuja koraiensis Nakai; essential oil; GC-MS-DC; carvyl acetate
作者戚继忠 ,孙广仁 ,杨文胜,孙仁昌, 薛 峰
所在单位南京林业 大学 , 南京 2 10 0 3 7
吉林林学院 , 吉林 1 3 2 0 1 1
吉林 省长 白森林经营局 , 吉林 13 4 4 0 0