2025年1月22日 星期三
渗透胁迫与百草枯对普通水绵 SOD 的影响
Effects of osmatic stress and paraquat on SOD in Spirogyra communis ( Hassall) Kǜtzing
1999年 第8卷 第2期 页码[13-17]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

普通水绵Spirogyra communis ( Hassall) Kǜtzing的超氧物歧化酶( SOD) 含有 2 条锰型和 1条铁型同工酶主带低浓度的 Zarrouk 培养液对 SO D 影响不明显, 浓度提高到 3 倍以上时造成渗透胁迫, 在一定时间内, SOD 比活升高, 但培养时间继续延长则下降在百草枯 1 mmol L 2mmol L 培养 6 d 4 d , 普通水绵 SO D 比活最高, 此后则下降;2 mmol L 组的 M DA 含量在试验期内一直缓缓上升5 倍的 Zarrouk 培养液和 2 mmol L 百草枯进行培养后, Fe-SOD 带消失, M nSOD 主活性带有增强的趋势


The effects of osm atic stress and paraquat on SOD in Spirogyra communis ( Hassall) Kǜtzing are reported .Different concentration of Zarrouk culture medium and culture time or paraquat treatments have different effects on SOD specific activity in Spirogyra communis ;no obvious effect w as appeared by low concentration and sho rt time, but as concentration increased to 3 times, osmatic stress will be occured .SOD specific activities first increased and decreased afterw ards ;MDA content always increased as time prolonged .SOD isozymogram s show the presence of Fe-SOD and M n-SOD bands in Spirogyra comm unis, but osmatic and chemical stress have different effects on different type of SOD isozymes .If Spirogyra com munis is cultured in 5 times
concentration of Zarrouk culture medium or 2 mmol L paraquat, Fe
-SOD band will disappear and Mn-SOD bands will enhanced .

关键词普通水绵; SOD; 同工酶; MDA;
Key wordsSpirogyra communis ( Hassall) Kǜtzing; SOD; isozyme; MDA
作者陆长梅, 吴国荣 ,陶明煊 ,周长芳, 魏锦城
所在单位南京师范大学生物系, 南京 210097