2025年3月14日 星期五
Effects of forest belts with different widths on heavy metal content in rice leaf and brown rice in crop field on both sides of national road
2012年 第21卷 第2期 页码[84-88]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

以 205 国道淮安段具有 5 m 和 20 m 宽林带的路段为研究区域,对国道东西两侧 200 m 范围内农田水稻(Oryza sativa L.)叶片和糙米中 Al、 Fe、 Cu、Zn、Cd、 Cr、 Ni 和 Pb 含量及其与路侧距离的相关性进行了分析。 结果表明:具 5 m 宽林带路段两侧稻叶和糙米中大多数重金属元素的含量呈现随路侧距离增加而减少的趋势,且峰值多出现在距路侧 5 ~ 10 m 或 20 m 附近;其中,东侧稻叶中 Cu、Cr 和 Ni 含量及糙米中 Al、Fe、Cu、Zn 和 Ni 含量以及西侧稻叶中 Cu 和 Pb 含量及糙米中 Cd 和 Pb 含量与路侧距离呈显著或极显著负相关。 具 20 m 宽林带路段两侧稻叶和糙米中大多数重金属元素的含量并没有呈现随路侧距离增加而减少的趋势,且峰值多出现在距路侧 20 m 以外;只有东侧稻叶中 Cr 和 Ni 含量及糙米中 Fe 和 Ni 含量以及西侧糙米中 Al 和 Cu 含量与路侧距离呈显著或极显著负相关。具 5 m 宽林带路段两侧稻叶和糙米中的重金属含量分布特征与无林带路段十分相似,而具 20 m 宽林带路段两侧稻叶和糙米中的重金属含量较低,说明 20 m 宽林带对公路大气污染物有较明显的阻滞作用。 根据研究结果,建议在公路两侧 10 ~ 20 m 范围内设置乔灌草结构模式的防护林带,并适当提高防护林中灌木的比例,保持乔木疏密适度。



Taking Huai’an section of No. 205 national road with 5 m and 20 m width forest belts as the research region, contents of Al, Fe, Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb in rice leaf and brown rice ( Oryza sativa L.) in crop field of 200 m range away from eastern and western road sides and the correlation between heavy metal content and distance away from road edge were analyzed. The results show that contents of most heavy metal elements in rice leaf and brown rice on both sides of the section with 5 m width forest belt have the decreasing trend with increasing of distance away from road edge and most peak values of them appear at nearby 5-10 m or 20 m away from road edge. In which, contents of Cu, Cr and Ni in rice leaf and contents of Al, Fe, Cu, Zn and Ni in brown rice on the eastern side, contents of Cu and Pb in rice leaf and contents of Cd and Pb in brown rice on the western side all have significantly or extremely significantly negative correlation with distance away from road edge. However, contents of most heavy metal elements in rice leaf and brown rice on both sides of the section with 20 m width forest belt have no decreasing trend with increasing of distance away from road edge and their peak values appear at over 20 m away from road edge. And only contents of Cr and Ni in rice leaf and contents of Fe and Ni in brown rice on the eastern side, contents of Al and Cu in brown rice on the western side have significantly or extremely significantly negative correlation with distance away from road edge. Comparing with the section without forest belt, distribution characteristics of contents of heavy metals in rice leaf and brown rice on both sides of the section with 5 m width forest belt are similar, but contents of heavy metals on both sides of the section with 20 m width forest belt are lower. It means that 20 m width forest belt has an obvious detention effect to atmospheric pollutant of road. According to these results, it is suggested that the shelter belt with structure model of arbor-shrub-herb should be set at 10 -20 m area on both road sides, properly increase shrub proportion in the belt and keep appropriate density of trees.

关键词公路两侧; 林带; 稻叶; 糙米; 重金属; 空间分布; 相关性分析
Key wordsboth sides of road; forest belt; rice leaf; brown rice; heavy metal; spatial distribution; correlation analysis
作者杨奕如1,2, 殷云龙1, 徐和宝1
所在单位1. 江苏省• 中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园), 江苏 南京 210014; 2. 中国科学院南京土壤研究所, 江苏 南京 210008