2025年3月14日 星期五
Numerical taxonomy of Prunus Linn. sensu lato based on floral characteristics
2021年 第30卷 第3期 页码[20-28]    下载全文[9.1MB]  

基于64个花器官形态特征的观察和测量数据,对广义李属(Prunus Linn. sensu lato)及相近类群共47种(含变型)植物的花器官形态特征进行比较和聚类分析。结果显示:广义李属植物的花序类型、花序梗长、花直径以及总苞大小和形状可作为属内的分类依据。本研究结果支持以下分类处理:桃属(Amygdalus Linn.)、杏属(Armeniaca Mill.)、李属(Prunus Linn.)、樱属(Cerasus Mill.)、稠李属(Padus Mill.)、桂樱属(Laurocerasus Tourn. ex Duh.)和臭樱属(Maddenia J. D. Hook. et Thoms.)归入广义李属内;矮樱类〔Subg. Cerasus (Mill.) A. Gray Grex I. Microcerasus C. K. Schneid.〕从樱亚属〔Subg. Cerasus (Mill.) A. Gray〕移至李亚属(Subg. Prunus Linn.)内,并作为李亚属下的矮樱组〔Subg. Prunus sect. Microcerasus (Spach) C. K. Schneid〕;崖樱桃(Prunus scopulorum Koehne)和细花樱桃(Prunus pusilliflora Card.)并入华中樱桃(Prunus conradinae Koehne)。


 Sixty-four floral characteristics of forty-seven species (including form) from Prunus Linn. sensu lato and similar groups were examined and measured for cluster analysis. Accordingly, inflorescence type, peduncle length, flower diameter, and size and shape of involucre can be used for classification within Prunus Linn. sensu lato. The research results support following taxonomic treatments. Amygdalus Linn., Armeniaca Mill., Prunus Linn., Cerasus Mill., Padus Mill., Laurocerasus Tourn. ex Duh., and Maddenia J. D. Hook. et Thoms. should be placed into Prunus Linn. sensu lato. Subg. Cerasus (Mill.) A. Gray Grex I. Microcerasus C. K. Schneid. which is moved from subg. Cerasus (Mill.) A. Gray into subg. Prunus Linn. is treated as a section, sect. Microcerasus (Spach) C. K. Schneid belongs to subg. Prunus. Prunus scopulorum Koehne and Prunus pusilliflora Card. combine into Prunus conradinae Koehne.

关键词广义李属; 花器官; 形态特征; 数量分类
Key wordsPrunus Linn. sensu lato; floral organ; morphological characteristics; numerical taxonomy
作者赵旭明1a,2, 吴保欢1a, 王永刚3, 李薇1b, 崔大方1a
所在单位1. 华南农业大学: a. 林学与风景园林学院, b. 华南农业博物馆, 广东 广州 510642; 2. 中山市小榄中学, 广东 中山 528000; 3. 新疆农业科学院农作物品种资源研究所, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830091