2025年2月5日 星期三
Characters of seed plants flora and vegetations from Yixing Forest Nature Reserve in Jiangsu Province
1998年 第7卷 第4期 页码[1-7]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

对江苏宜兴森林自然保护区及周边地区的种子植物区系成分进行统计分析, 归为 4 大类 15个分布类型属的成分以温带比例最高(61%), 东部成分亦较明显(25%), 中西部成分极少, 几无本地特有成分, 属较典型的华东植物区系地区对该地区现存植物进行计算分析, 结合栽培植物及古植被资料 , 得出以 青冈Cyclobalanopsis glauca (T hunb .)Oerst .〕、石栎Lithocarpa glaber
(Thunb .)Nakai等为建群种的中亚热带常绿阔叶林是本地区的地带性植被
自然保护区建立(1981)以后植被恢复明显, 许多样地已接近自然植被


The seed plants in Yixing Forest Nature Reserve are analyzed statistically with flora and they are divided into 4 types and 15 distribution patterns.The flora in this area belongs to rather typical flora of eastern China. And in these flora genus components of temperate zone are dominant (61 %), eastern components are obvious (25 %), central and western components are only a few , and special components are almost none .Everg reen broad-leaved forest in middle subtropical zone , which dominated by constructive species like Cyclobalanopsis glauca (Thunb .)Oerst .and Lithocarpa glaber (Thunb .) Nakai belongs to natural vegetation in this area according to calculation analysis of present plants and combining with cultivated plants and data of paleovegetation in this area. Now the vegetation recovers obviously and more plant
stands are close to natural vegetation since the nature reserve w as established in 1981

关键词宜兴; 森林保护区; 植物区系; 自然植被;
Key wordsYixing; forest reserve; flora; natural vegetation
作者张立新,李升峰, 韩辉友
所在单位南京大学生物系, 南京 210093
南京大学地理系, 南京 210093