2024年12月22日 星期日
A study of the injury types of the leaves of Vicia faba L. fumigated with sulfur dioxide
1994年 第3卷 第3期 页码[49-53]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

二氧化硫熏气处理后对蚕豆(Vicia faba L.)叶片的伤害可划为3种类型,即不可见伤害、可逆的可见伤害以及不可逆伤害。采用动态熏气的方法初步估计了3类伤害的阈值,不可见伤害阈值小于131.2μg/m×8hs,可见伤害阈值为1322.8μg/m×2hs,1322.8μg/mSO处理时不可逆伤害阈值介于16hs(累积小时数,下同)和24hs之间,而以775.0μg/mSO处理时,则介于32hs和40hs之间。认为超氧化物歧化酶活性作为不可见伤害和不可逆伤害的指标较为适宜,可见伤害阈值则可沿用传统的5%伤害叶面积作指标。


There are three injury types of the leaves of Vicia faba  L. when fumigated with different doses of SO2, i. e. , invisible injury, visible injury (recoverable) and unrecoverable injury. The threshold values of the three types of injury estimated by dynamic fumigation experiments are less than 131. 2μg/m3 SO2× 8 hs for invisible injury, 1322. 8 μg/ m3 SO2 ×2 hs for visible injury and 1322. 8 μg/m3 SO2 × 16~24 hs (accumulated) or 775. 0μg/m2 SO2 × 32~40 hs for unrecoverable injury. It is suggested that 5% injuried leaf area is suitable for the index of visible injury. Superoxide dismutase activity can be used as the index of the invisible injury and unrecoverable injury for it is sensitive to SO2 and changes dramatically with the increase of SO2 dose.

关键词二氧化硫; 伤害类型; 蚕豆;
Key wordssulfur dioxide; injury type; Vicia faba L.
作者陈小勇 成海霞
所在单位华东师范大学环境科学系 , 上海 2 00 0 6 2
胜 利石油管理局现河采油厂 , 山东东营 2 5 7 06 8