2024年10月23日 星期三
Spatial distribution pattern of the endangered and rare plant Tsuga longibracteata Cheng
2000年 第9卷 第1期 页码[31-34]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

应用 聚集度 指标Iw ao 方 程和 T ay lor 幂法 则模型 等测 定方法 研究珍 稀濒 危植物 长苞 铁杉(T sugalo
Cheng)的空间分布格局结果表明, 长苞铁杉的空间分布呈随机分布文中还根据 Iwao M x
的回归方程, 计算长苞铁杉在不同密度和允许误差下的理论抽样面积



The spatial distribution pattern of the endangered and rare plant Tsuga longibracteata Cheng was studied using aggregate index and Iwao' s equation and Taylor' s model .The results showed that the spatial distribution pattern of Tsuga longibracteata Cheng was random pattern in population . According to Iwao' s equation , the theoretical sampling area of forest survey were analyzed and calculated under different population densities and allow ing errors .

关键词空间分布格局; 珍稀濒危植物; 长苞铁杉; 聚集度指标
Key wordsspatial distribution pattern; endangered and rare plant; Tsuga longibracteata Cheng;
作者吴承祯1 洪 伟1 吴继林2 黄 毅1
所在单位1福建林学院, 南平 353001 ;
2福建省永安市林业局, 永安 366000