摘要 | 80 年代资源调查结果表明, 中国芦荟〔Aloe vera L.var.chinensis (Haw .)Berger〕在广东雷州半岛西南、海南岛西北部火山灰地区资源量较大, 分布较集中, 但由于围垦开荒已受到较大破坏, 为了有效保护和开发利用中国芦荟资源, 在广东雷州半岛分步建立 13 hm2种植基地。 通过中国芦荟与翠绿芦荟(Aloe vera L.)主要化学组成的比较, 表明中国芦荟同样可作为药品、化妆品、食品饮料工业的原料。 已研制出 4 个系列 11 种中国芦荟产品, 与此同时为配合在食品、药物方面的开发 , 还进行了三个阶段的毒理试验, 结果表明中国芦荟原汁无毒、未发现致畸、致突变作用, 可作为食品新资源开发利用。
Abstract | The natural resources investig ation in 1980′s indicated that there was plentiful resources
of wild Aloe vera L .var. chinensis (Haw .)Berger in volcanic ash areas of Leizhou peninsula of Guangdong Province and the northwest part of Hainan Province, but it was destroyed seriously by enclosing fieldland for cultivation and reclaiming wasteland .To protect and develop this resources effectively , a planting base of Aloe vera var. chinensis has been developed stepply. Now it has about 13 hm2 .After the comparing studies on chemical com positions , it was found that Aloe vera L. var. chinensis (Haw .)Berger and Aloe vera L.could be used substitutively. To date eleven kinds of products w ere developed .Toxicity test show ed that Aloe vera var.chinensis juice was non-toxic to human body , and no aberration and mutation effects. So this species can be used in medicine and food .