2024年10月23日 星期三
Analysis on genetic diversity of natural populations of Semiliquidambar cathayensis based on SRAP marker
2021年 第30卷 第4期 页码[60-68]    下载全文[5.8MB]  

基于SRAP标记对半枫荷(Semiliquidambar cathayensis Chang)17个天然种群154个样株的遗传多样性和遗传结构进行研究。结果表明:半枫荷17个天然种群多态性条带数的均值为113.6,多态性条带百分比的均值为63.5%。半枫荷具有较高的遗传多样性水平〔Nei’s遗传多样性指数(H)的均值为0.250 4,Shannon’s多态性信息指数(I)的均值为0.366 2〕,其中,福建连城种群的遗传多样性水平最高(H值为0.354 4,I值为0.521 0)。半枫荷种群内遗传变异较高(贡献率75.95%),种群间遗传变异较低(贡献率24.05%),种群间基因流为1.579,遗传分化系数为0.241。综合Neighbor-joining聚类分析、UPGMA聚类分析和STRUCTURE分析结果,半枫荷17个天然种群先划分为集群Ⅰ和集群Ⅱ,集群Ⅰ进一步划分为5个亚群,其中,亚群Ⅰa包括福建的德化和连城种群以及江西的乐安和大余种群,广东平远种群单独构成亚群Ⅰb,亚群Ⅰc包括福建的延平、沙县和清流种群,亚群Ⅰd包括福建的南靖和周宁种群,亚群Ⅰe包括福建的邵武和顺昌种群以及广西融水种群;集群Ⅱ进一步划分为2个亚群,其中,湖南江华种群单独构成亚群Ⅱa,亚群Ⅱb包括福建的长汀、永定和武平种群。Mantel检验结果显示:半枫荷种群间遗传距离和地理距离不存在显著相关性。建议结合迁地保护和就地保护对半枫荷进行保护,在福建的连城、沙县、武平和顺昌,湖南江华,广西融水以及广东平远实行就地保护的同时,尽快建立半枫荷核心种质资源库。


 Genetic diversity and genetic structure of 154 sampling plants from 17 natural populations of Semiliquidambar cathayensis Chang were studied based on SRAP marker. The results show that the average of number of polymorphic bands of 17 natural populations of S. cathayensis is 113.6, and that of percentage of polymorphic bands is 63.5%. S. cathayensis has a relatively high genetic diversity level, with Nei’s genetic diversity index (H) of 0.250 4 and Shannon’s polymorphic information index (I) of 0.366 2, in which, the genetic diversity level of population in Liancheng of Fujian is the highest, with H value of 0.354 4 and I value of 0.521 0. The genetic variation within S. cathayensis population is relatively high, with the contribution rate of 75.95%, the genetic variation among populations is relatively low, with the contribution rate of 24.05%, gene flow among populations is 1.579, and the genetic differentiation coefficient is 0.241. Considering the results of Neighborjoining clustering analysis, UPGMA clustering analysis, and STRUCTURE analysis, 17 natural populations of S. cathayensis can be divided into group Ⅰ and group Ⅱ, group Ⅰ can be further divided into 5 subgroups, in which, subgroup Ⅰa contains Dehua and Liancheng of Fujian and Le’an and Dayu of Jiangxi populations, subgroup Ⅰb is composed of Pingyuan of Guangdong population independently, subgroup Ⅰc contains Yanping, Shaxian, and Qingliu of Fujian populations, subgroup Ⅰd contains Nanjing and Zhouning of Fujian populations, and subgroup Ⅰe contains Shaowu and Shunchang of Fujian and Rongshui of Guangxi populations; group Ⅱ can be further divided into 2 subgroups, in which, subgroup Ⅱa is composed of Jianghua of Hunan population independently, and subgroup Ⅱb contains Changting, Yongding, and Wuping of Fujian populations. The result of Mantel test shows that there is no significant correlation between genetic distance and geographical distance among S. cathayensis populations. It is recommended that S. cathayensis should be preserved with a combination of in situ and ex situ preservation, and core germplasm resource bank should be established as soon as possible in addition to in situ preservation in Liancheng, Shaxian, Wuping, and Shunchang of Fujian, Jianghua of Hunan, Rongshui of Guangxi, and Pingyuan of Guangdong.

关键词半枫荷; SRAP标记; 遗传多样性; 遗传结构; 聚类分析
Key wordsSemiliquidambar cathayensis Chang; SRAP marker; genetic diversity; genetic structure; clustering analysis
作者叶兴状1, 张明珠1, 刘益鹏1, 文国卫1, 赖文峰1, 范辉华2, 张国防1, 刘宝1
所在单位1. 福建农林大学林学院, 福建 福州 350002; 2. 福建省林业科学研究院特色资源研究所, 福建 福州 350012
基金项目福建省第三轮种业创新与产业化工程项目(ZYCX-LY-2017002); 宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划(2019BBF02025); 福建农林大学科技创新专项基金(KFA17069A)