摘要 | 利用正交实验对搅拌式光生物反应器中钝顶螺旋藻(Spirulina platensis Geitl)的培养条件即搅拌速度、通气量和光照强度进行优化。实验结果表明:当培养温度为30℃时,通过正交实验所获得的最佳培养条件为搅拌转速120r·min-1,通气量80L·h-1,光照强度5000lx。在最佳培养条件下,收获时螺旋藻的干重为1.922g·L-1。根据回归模型得到相应的优化条件为:光照强度5000lx,通气量150L·h-1,搅拌转速111.70r·min-1,收获量(干重)的预测值为2.293g·L-1。另外,10%的接种量有利于螺旋藻的生长。 |
Abstract | The optimum cultural conditions of Spirulina platensis Geitl including agitation rate, aeration rate and light intensity were selected in the stirred photobioreactor by means of the orthogonal experiment. The best cultural condition was agitation rate 120 r·min-1, aeration rate 80L·h-1 and light intensity 5 000lx. The harvest yield (dry weight) was 1.922g·L-1under the best cultural condition.The optimum cultural conditions were obtained according to the regression model, namely light intensity 5000lx, aeration rate 150L·h-1 and agitationrate 111.70 r·min-1 and forecast value of harvest yield (dry weight) reached to 2.293g·L-1. In addition, the inoculation rate of 10% is suitable for the growth of S. platensis in the stirred photobioreator. |
关键词 | 螺旋藻; 搅拌式光生物反应器; 正交实验; 培养条件; 优化; |
Key words | Spirulina platensis Geitl; stirred photobioreactor; orthogonal experiment; cultural condition; optimization |
作者 | 陈必链,江贤章,王娟,王明兹,陈小兰 |
所在单位 | 福建师范大学生物工程学院,福建福州350007 |
点击量 | 1276 |
下载次数 | 937 |