摘要 | 基于白及〔Bletilla striata (Thunb. ex A. Murray) Rchb. f.〕的全转录组数据,采用生物信息学方法对白及Aux/IAA基因进行鉴定和序列分析,对白及Aux/IAA蛋白的一级和二级结构、基序、保守结构域、GO功能分类和KEGG富集结果进行分析,并对其与拟南芥〔Arabidopsis thaliana (Linn.) Heynh.〕和铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo)的Aux/IAA蛋白进行系统发育分析。结果表明:在白及的全转录组中共筛选出5个Aux/IAA基因,分别命名为BsAux/IAA1至BsAux/IAA5,开放阅读框(ORF)长度为492~2 739 bp。5个BsAux/IAA蛋白的氨基酸残基数为163~912,理论相对分子质量为18 172.97~101 442.89,理论等电点为pI 4.40至pI 11.51,亚细胞定位于细胞核中,二级结构以α-螺旋和无规则卷曲为主。5个BsAux/IAA蛋白共有Domain Ⅰ、Domain Ⅱ、Domain Ⅲ和Domain Ⅳ 4个完整的保守结构域,依次对应保守基序motif9、motif3、motif2和motif1。5个BsAux/IAA蛋白的功能均包括细胞组分、生物学过程和分子功能3个大类,并参与植物激素信号转导通路。系统发育分析结果表明:5个BsAux/IAA蛋白均属于GroupⅠ亚家族,并进一步分成a和b 2个亚群,其中,BsAux/IAA3、BsAux/IAA4和BsAux/IAA5属于a亚群,BsAux/IAA1和BsAux/IAA2属于b亚群;并且,BsAux/IAA1、BsAux/IAA2、BsAux/IAA4和BsAux/IAA5与铁皮石斛Aux/IAA的亲缘关系较近。研究结果显示:白及Aux/IAA蛋白具有一定的保守性,可能在细胞核中发挥作用,并具有组织特异性、发育依赖性和非生物胁迫应答性。 |
Abstract | Based on the whole transcriptome data of Bletilla striata (Thunb. ex A. Murray) Rchb. f., identification and sequence analysis on Aux/IAA genes of B. striata were conducted by using bioinformatics methods, and primary and secondary structures, motif, conserved domain, GO function classification, and KEGG enrichment result of Aux/IAA proteins of B. striata were analyzed, meanwhile phylogenetic analysis on them with Aux/IAA proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana (Linn.) Heynh. and Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo were performed. The results show that 5 Aux/IAA genes are screened from the whole transcriptome of B. striata, named as BsAux/IAA1 to BsAux/IAA5, respectively, with an open reading frame. (ORF) length of 492-2 739 bp. The amino acid residue numbers of 5 BsAux/IAA proteins are 163-912, with theoretical relative molecular mass of 18 172.97-101 442.89 and theoretical isoelectric point of pI 4.40 to pI 11.51, their subcellular locations are in the nucleus, and their secondary structures are mainly αhelix and random coil. There are 4 complete conserved domains of Domain Ⅰ, Domain Ⅱ, Domain Ⅲ, and Domain Ⅳ in 5 BsAux/IAA proteins, corresponding to conserved motifs of motif9, motif3, motif2, and motif1 in order. The functions of 5 BsAux/IAA proteins all include 3 categories of cellular component, biological process, and molecular function, and are involved in signal transduction pathways of plant hormones. The phylogenetic analysis result shows that 5 BsAux/IAA proteins all belong to Group Ⅰ subfamily, and can be divided into 2 subgroups of a and b, in which, BsAux/IAA3, BsAux/IAA4, and BsAux/IAA5 belong to a subgroup, while BsAux/IAA1 and BsAux/IAA2 do to b subgroup; in addition, there are close genetic relationships in BsAux/IAA1, BsAux/IAA2, BsAux/IAA4, and BsAux/IAA5 with Aux/IAA of D. officinale. It is suggested that there is a certain conservation in Aux/IAA proteins of B. striata, the proteins may play roles in nucleus, and possess tissue specificity, development dependence, and abiotic stress response. |
关键词 | 白及; Aux/IAA基因; 基因鉴定; 序列分析; 系统发育分析 |
Key words | Bletilla striata (Thunb. ex A. Murray) Rchb. f.; Aux/IAA gene; gene identification; sequence analysis; phylogenetic analysis |
作者 | 刘厚伯1, 李春2, 李林1, 上官艳妮1, 黄恻隐1, 刘怡1, 郑明辉1, 徐德林1 |
所在单位 | 1. 遵义医科大学 细胞生物学教研室, 贵州 遵义 563099; 2. 河南省农业科学院 芝麻研究中心, 河南 郑州 450002 |
点击量 | 2282 |
下载次数 | 3126 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31560079; 31560102); 贵州省科学技术基金项目(黔科合平台人才[2017]5733-050; 黔科合平台人才[2017]5733-001); 贵州省中医药管理局项目(QZYY-2019-060); 贵州省教育厅人才项目(KY[2017]194) |